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Operating Systems Solaris How to run putty.exe file in server? Post 302979736 by Corona688 on Thursday 18th of August 2016 11:19:37 AM
Old 08-18-2016
Why not just tell them to use putty? I'm not really understanding the issue here, especially on an intranet where you've got the opportunity to inform people what to do.

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WEBSERVER(1)							       mrtg							      WEBSERVER(1)

webserver - hints for web server configuration SYNOPSIS
If you want people to actually see the results of your network monitoring efforts you will need a webserver. This document lists some configuration hints for webservers. Contributions welcome. APACHE
Configuring mod_expire A big issue with mrtg monitoring data is the expiery time. All these nice graphs you can create are only valid for a short time. If you do not take special action some webbrowsers will not notice this and you may end up with people seeing old data because of caching issues. The apache module mod_expire allows you to setup special expiery properties for individual file. Here is an example for how this may look for an mrtg web directory. The configuration directives can be stored into a .htaccess file. ############################################################ # Example .htaccess for use with apache-1.2 and mod_expire. # (mod_expire come with apache-1.2 but you have to explicitly # activate it when compiling the httpd ...) ############################################################# # <Files "*-day.png"> ExpiresActive On # enable expirations # five minutes ExpiresDefault M300 </Files> <Files "*-week.png"> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault M1800 </Files> <Files "*-month.png"> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault M7200 </Files> <Files "*-year.png"> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault M86400 </Files> <Files "*.html"> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault M300 </Files> # index.html is not automatically generated <Files "index.html"> ExpiresActive Off </Files> AUTHOR
Unknown 3rd Berkeley Distribution 2.9.17 WEBSERVER(1)
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