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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How can I use find command to search string/pattern in a file recursively? Post 302982715 by Don Cragun on Monday 3rd of October 2016 05:21:27 AM
Old 10-03-2016
Originally Posted by rovf
I guess this is a typo, isn't it? Should be \; in the end, not +
Hi rovf,
find ... -exec command {} \;

Invokes command once for each file meeting the criteria specified by ..., while:
find ... -exec command {} +

invokes command once for a group of files meeting the criteria specified by ... with the number of files in the group being determined by the size of the environment passed to command, the length of command, and the length of the pathnames of the files being passed to command.
Originally Posted by cola
What's the difference between {} \; and {} + or {} \+ ?

Is it possible to call multiple commands with -exec like piping:
find . -type f -exec onecommand | secondcommand {} \;

What's wrong with using cat?
The difference between \; and + terminating a find -exec primary is described above.

The command given to a:
find -exec command {} \;

find -exec command {} +

primary is something that can be executed by find. The find utility doesn't know how to execute pipelines. You could exec sh -c "pipeline" but the shell's -c operand has to be a single argument so the command you give find won't see the {} (which it will replace with a the name of a found file) as a separate argument, so it might not replace it with the name of a found file. (The standards leave it unspecified whether or not find replaces {} if that string does not appear as a separate argument.)

If you need to use find -exec to run a pipeline (which you DO NOT need to do in this case and doing so would involve running a shell and a cat and a grep when all you need is grep) would be to put the pipeline in a separate shell script such as scriptname containing:
cat "$1" | grep -F 'make'

make it executable with:
chmod +x scriptname

and move it to some directory in the list of directories in your $PATH environment variable. Then you can execute it with:
find ... -exec scriptname {} \;

If a small number of files is involved, you might get away with having scriptname contain:
cat "$@" | grep -F /dev/null 'make'

and executing it with:
find ... -exec scriptname {} +

but if the arguments passed to scriptname along with scriptname and its environment is shorter than the command that scriptname will execute, scriptname may fail with a E2BIG error condition unless you build extra argument loop processing to guarantee that the commands being executed by your script won't fail due to the size of the argument list and environment list your shell will be passing to a member of the exec family of functions to run that stage in your pipeline.

grep 'word' "file"

invokes one utility, reads all of the data in file and writes lines in file that contain word while:
cat "file" | grep 'word'

invokes two utilities, reads all of the data in file, writes all of the data in file reads all of the data in file again and then writes all of the lines in file that contain word. So the useless use of cat creates an unneeded process, forces the system to read and write the entire contents of file an extra unneeded time wasting system memory, wasting I/O bandwidth, and wasting CPU cycles that could be used by other processes to do something useful. Use cat if you need it; DO NOT use cat if you don't need it! Using cat when you don't need it takes longer for you to get the results you want and wastes system resources that you or someone else on your system might need to use to get something done that needs the cycles you are wasting.
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