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Operating Systems Solaris How to make an exact image copy of a SCSI hard drive in Solaris 8 OS? Post 302989557 by hicksd8 on Saturday 14th of January 2017 12:18:16 PM
Old 01-14-2017
Yes, if the new disk is the exact same as the existing (but check the number of LBA's as even disks of the same model number can be different sizes) then you could use 'dd' specifying the raw disk 'rdsk' device to copy the whole thing.

However, in my experience, if you want to clone a Solaris 8 system (ufs filesystems) then you might just as well do a disaster recovery (DR) procedure straight onto the second box.

See my post#6 on this thread:
Restoring a system from a backup
for detailed steps.

This, of course, assumes that you are backing up your production box using fssnap/ufsdump to either a tape drive or a NFS remote disk.

Remember that when the restore is complete NOT to boot the second machine on the same network because the node name and the ip address will be identical. You will need to modify those first.

Also, read jlliagre's post#7 which is highly relevant and another method to do it.

Last edited by hicksd8; 01-14-2017 at 01:24 PM..
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installboot(1M) 														   installboot(1M)

installboot - install bootblocks in a disk partition SYNOPSIS
installboot bootblk raw-disk-device The boot(1M) program, ufsboot, is loaded from disk by the bootblock program which resides in the boot area of a disk partition. The ufs boot objects are platform-dependent, and reside in the /usr/platform/platform-name/lib/fs/ufs directory. The platform name can be found using the -i option of uname(1). The installboot utility is a SPARC only program. It is not supported on the architecture. users should use installgrub(1M) instead. bootblk The name of the bootblock code. raw-disk-device The name of the disk device onto which the bootblock code is to be installed; it must be a character device which is read- able and writable. Naming conventions for a SCSI or IPI drive are c?t?d?s? and c?d?s? for an IDE drive. Example 1: Installing UFS Boot Block To install a ufs boot block on slice 0 of target 0 on controller 1 of the platform where the command is being run, use: example# installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s0 /usr/platform/platform-name/lib/fs/ufs directory where ufs boot objects reside. /platform/platform-name/ufsboot second level program to boot from a disk or CD See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ od(1), uname(1), boot(1M), init(1M), kadb(1M), kernel(1M), monitor(1M), reboot(1M), rpc.bootparamd(1M), init.d(4), attributes(5) WARNINGS
The installboot utility fails if the bootblk or openfirmware files do not exist or if the raw disk device is not a character device. 11 Apr 2005 installboot(1M)
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