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Full Discussion: Vim tips and tricks
Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers Vim tips and tricks Post 302990879 by ctsgnb on Thursday 2nd of February 2017 05:43:26 AM
Old 02-02-2017
Just another usefull vim tip, to customize your own skin :

To just view the setting, just use it with no argument :

also shortened as

This will display the current settings.

To display the current setting of the Comment class, just enter:
:hi Comment

For example, if your comment lines appear in a Dark blue and you expect a lightblue instead (0,255,255) or #00ffff try :

:hi Comment ctermfg=6

You could then set your own settings in your $HOME/.vimrc ... activate :set syntax=on if necessary)

The different classes (Comment, Title, Constant, Special, ...) and much more, are documented at :
Vim documentation: syntax

Just play with the :highlight command , get use to it and enjoy !

Last edited by ctsgnb; 02-02-2017 at 06:54 AM..

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EVIM(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   EVIM(1)

evim - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing SYNOPSIS
evim [options] [file ..] eview DESCRIPTION
eVim starts Vim and sets options to make it behave like a modeless editor. This is still Vim but used as a point-and-click editor. This feels a lot like using Notepad on MS-Windows. eVim will always run in the GUI, to enable the use of menus and toolbar. Only to be used for people who really can't work with Vim in the normal way. Editing will be much less efficient. eview is the same, but starts in read-only mode. It works just like evim -R. See vim(1) for details about Vim, options, etc. The 'insertmode' option is set to be able to type text directly. Mappings are setup to make Copy and Paste work with the MS-Windows keys. CTRL-X cuts text, CTRL-C copies text and CTRL-V pastes text. Use CTRL-Q to obtain the original meaning of CTRL-V. OPTIONS
See vim(1). FILES
/usr/share/vim/vim62/evim.vim The script loaded to initialize eVim. AKA
Also Known As "Vim for gumbies". When using evim you are expected to take a handkerchief, make a knot in each corner and wear it on your head. SEE ALSO
vim(1) AUTHOR
Most of Vim was made by Bram Moolenaar, with a lot of help from others. See the Help/Credits menu. 2002 February 16 EVIM(1)
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