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Full Discussion: Xml to csv
Special Forums UNIX and Linux Applications Xml to csv Post 302992901 by Corona688 on Friday 3rd of March 2017 10:44:51 AM
Old 03-03-2017
Show the input you have and show the output you want. "Generic" conversion isn't really possible given XML is a tree structure, not a flat structure, but your particular data file may have regular data representable as such.

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XML::Parser::Lite::Tree(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      XML::Parser::Lite::Tree(3pm)

XML::Parser::Lite::Tree - Lightweight XML tree builder SYNOPSIS
use XML::Parser::Lite::Tree; my $tree_parser = XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::instance(); my $tree = $tree_parser->parse($xml_data); OR my $tree = XML::Parser::Lite::Tree::instance()->parse($xml_data); DESCRIPTION
This is a singleton class for parsing XML into a tree structure. How does this differ from other XML tree generators? By using XML::Parser::Lite, which is a pure perl XML parser. Using this module you can tree-ify simple XML without having to compile any C. For example, the following XML: <foo woo="yay"><bar a="b" c="d" />hoopla</foo> Parses into the following tree: 'children' => [ { 'children' => [ { 'children' => [], 'attributes' => { 'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd' }, 'type' => 'element', 'name' => 'bar' }, { 'content' => 'hoopla', 'type' => 'text' } ], 'attributes' => { 'woo' => 'yay' }, 'type' => 'element', 'name' => 'foo' } ], 'type' => 'root' }; Each node contains a "type" key, one of "root", "element" and "text". "root" is the document root, and only contains an array ref "children". "element" represents a normal tag, and contains an array ref "children", a hash ref "attributes" and a string "name". "text" nodes contain only a "content" string. METHODS
"instance()" Returns an instance of the tree parser. "new( options... )" Creates a new parser. Valid options include "process_ns" to process namespaces. "parse($xml)" Parses the xml in $xml and returns the tree as a hash ref. AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2004-2008, Cal Henderson, <cal@iamcal.com> SEE ALSO
XML::Parser::Lite. perl v5.12.3 2011-06-04 XML::Parser::Lite::Tree(3pm)
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