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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Copy files in respective directories Post 302994273 by RavinderSingh13 on Tuesday 21st of March 2017 06:36:59 AM
Old 03-21-2017
Originally Posted by Master_Mind
Thanks Ravi,
But i would require to print messages like how i need if successfully copied or not and if the file doesnt present in input directory to print not present
Hello Master_Mind,

Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.
cat copy_files.ksh
awk -vdir="$DIR"  'function copy(path){
                                        system("cp " $0 "  " path";if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo " $0 " file copied successfully to " path ".; else echo Please check there is an issue while copying file.; fi")
                                        if($0 == "apple"){
                                        if($0 == "fish") {
                                        if($0 == "mango"){
                  '    Input_file

EDIT: If you want to get that a file is NOT present error then following may help you in same too.
cat copy_files.ksh
awk -vdir="$DIR"  'function copy(path){
                                        system("if [[ -f " $0 " ]]; then cp " $0 "  " path";if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo " $0 " file copied successfully to " path ".; else echo Please check there is an issue while copying file.; fi; else echo " $0 " file not present.; fi")
                                        if($0 == "apple"){
                                        if($0 == "fish") {
                                        if($0 == "mango"){
                  '    Input_file

R. Singh

Last edited by RavinderSingh13; 03-21-2017 at 07:53 AM..
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