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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Process existence or/and permission Post 302999692 by MadeInGermany on Monday 26th of June 2017 10:48:22 AM
Old 06-26-2017
You can test with ps
if { ps -p $pid && ! kill -0 $pid; } >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo $pid is not killable; else echo happy; fi

if { ! ps -p $pid || kill -0 $pid; } >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo happy; else echo $pid is not killable; fi


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TRACE(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  TRACE(1)

trace -- configure and record kernel trace events SYNOPSIS
trace -h trace -i [-b numbufs] trace -g trace -d [-a pid | -x pid] trace -r trace -n trace -e [-c class [-p class] [-s subclass]] [-a pid | -x pid] [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] trace -E [-c class [-p class] [-s subclass]] [-a pid | -x pid] [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] executable_path [optional args to executable] trace -t [-R rawfile] [-o OutputFilename] [-N] [ExtraCodeFilename1 ExtraCodeFilename2 ...] DESCRIPTION
The trace command allows developers to initialize and configure the kernel trace subsystem. Trace events can be recorded to an in-memory buf- fer, or logged directly to a file. Raw data files can later be decoded to a plaintext format. SEE ALSO
fs_usage(1), sc_usage(1), latency(1), top(1) Mac OS X October 28, 2010 Mac OS X
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