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Operating Systems Linux Red Hat CPU Usage statistics Dump in a text file over a period of time Post 302999798 by Anjan Ganguly on Wednesday 28th of June 2017 05:32:29 AM
Old 06-28-2017
CPU Usage statistics Dump in a text file over a period of time

I am facing issue related to performance of one customized application running on RHEL 5.9. The application stalls for some unknown reason that I need to track. For that I require some tool or shell scripts that can monitor the CPU usage statistics (what we get in TOP or in more detail by other means) with timestamp (may be 1 second periodically) into a plain .txt(ASCII file) file.I require to dump the statistics over a period of 1 hour. Can anybody help me out in this regard?
The above is my idea.But if some one is having other means to capture the process statistics over period of one hour, please share the same too.

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FS_RXSTATPROC(1)					       AFS Command Reference						  FS_RXSTATPROC(1)

fs_rxstatproc - Manage per-process Rx statistics collection SYNOPSIS
fs rxstatproc [-enable] [-disable] [-clear] DESCRIPTION
This command enables or disables the updating of RPC statistics counters related to the entire RX process, or sets the accumulated counter values back to zero. OPTIONS
One or more of the following options must be specified: -enable Enable the collection of process RPC statistics -disable Enable the collection of process RPC statistics -clear Resets all trace counters to zero. OUTPUT
This command produces no output other than error-messages. EXAMPLES
The following command starts collecting statistics: % fs rxstatproc -enable PRIVILEGE REQUIRED
The issuer must be logged in as the local superuser root. SEE ALSO
fs(1), fs_rxstatpeer(1), rxdebug(1) COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2008. This documentation is covered by the BSD License as written in the doc/LICENSE file. This man page was written by Mike Robinson (mike@endpoint.com) for OpenAFS. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 FS_RXSTATPROC(1)
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