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Operating Systems Solaris How to identify if disk is attached to SAN and assist in migration.? Post 303001524 by hicksd8 on Sunday 6th of August 2017 12:35:02 PM
Old 08-06-2017
Is this Solaris 10 or 11?

Do you know whether the filesystems are UFS or ZFS?

Looking at file /etc/vfstab will tell you what non-ZFS filesystems the O/S is going to mount on which mount points at boot time.

---------- Post updated at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:42 PM ----------

Run 'luxadm display' against each of the 'luxadm probe' outputs; e.g.

# luxadm display /dev/rdsk/c3t60060480000290101499533031393942d0s2

Last edited by hicksd8; 08-06-2017 at 12:51 PM..
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DEVICE(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						 DEVICE(9)

device -- an abstract representation of a device SYNOPSIS
typedef struct device *device_t; DESCRIPTION
The device object represents a piece of hardware attached to the system such as an expansion card, the bus which that card is plugged into, disk drives attached to the expansion card etc. The system defines one device, root_bus and all other devices are created dynamically during autoconfiguration. Normally devices representing top-level busses in the system (ISA, PCI etc.) will be attached directly to root_bus and other devices will be added as children of their relevant bus. The devices in a system form a tree. All devices except root_bus have a parent (see device_get_parent(9)). In addition, any device can have children attached to it (see device_add_child(9), device_add_child_ordered(9), device_find_child(9), device_get_children(9), and device_delete_child(9)). A device which has been successfully probed and attached to the system will also have a driver (see device_get_driver(9) and driver(9)) and a devclass (see device_get_devclass(9) and devclass(9)). Various other attributes of the device include a unit number (see device_get_unit(9)), verbose description (normally supplied by the driver, see device_set_desc(9) and device_get_desc(9)), a set of bus-spe- cific variables (see device_get_ivars(9)) and a set of driver-specific variables (see device_get_softc(9)). Devices can be in one of several states: DS_NOTPRESENT the device has not been probed for existence or the probe failed DS_ALIVE the device probe succeeded but not yet attached DS_ATTACHED the device has been successfully attached DS_BUSY the device is currently open The current state of the device can be determined by calling device_get_state(9). SEE ALSO
devclass(9), driver(9) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Doug Rabson. BSD
June 16, 1998 BSD
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