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Full Discussion: Error when executing script
Operating Systems Linux Red Hat Error when executing script Post 303001629 by anaigini45 on Wednesday 9th of August 2017 06:24:47 AM
Old 08-09-2017
Thank you so much for all the comments and suggestions.

I have now managed to compile the whole script, but still needs a bit more tweaking as there are few more errors.

Part of my script does this :

for f in `find . -name '*.filtered' | sort -r`; do                                                                  
> eximstats -nr "$f" > "eximstats_day"$new"_"$eximBC01.txt";
> eximstats -xls -nr  "$f" > "eximstats_day"$new"_"BC01.xls";
> ((new++));
> done

This returns errors like this :

bash: eximstats_day1_01082017.txt;
eximstats -xls -nr  ./mainlog.7.filtered > eximstats_day1_BC01.xls: No such file or directory
bash: eximstats_day2_01082017.txt;
eximstats -xls -nr  ./mainlog.6.filtered > eximstats_day2_BC01.xls: No such file or directory
bash: eximstats_day3_01082017.txt;
eximstats -xls -nr  ./mainlog.5.filtered > eximstats_day3_BC01.xls: No such file or directory
bash: eximstats_day4_01082017.txt;
eximstats -xls -nr  ./mainlog.4.filtered > eximstats_day4_BC01.xls: No such file or directory
bash: eximstats_day5_01082017.txt;
eximstats -xls -nr  ./mainlog.3.filtered > eximstats_day5_BC01.xls: No such file or directory
bash: eximstats_day6_01082017.txt;
eximstats -xls -nr  ./mainlog.2.filtered > eximstats_day6_BC01.xls: No such file or directory

However, when I execute the code directly on the terminal, there is no error (without the for loop) :

# eximstats -nr  mainlog.7.filtered > eximstats_day1_01082017.txt
# eximstats -xls -nr  mainlog.7.filtered > eximstats_day1_01082017.xls

Is there something wrong with the syntax?

---------- Post updated 08-09-17 at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous update was 08-08-17 at 07:19 PM ----------

I found out that the error was variable substitution. I corrected the code like this, and it worked properly :

for f in `find . -name '*.filtered' | sort -r`; do
       eximstats -nr "$f" > eximstats_day"$new"_"$eximBC07".txt;
       eximstats -xls -nr  "$f" > eximstats_day"$new"_"$eximBC07".xls;

However, I have another part of the script that has this line :

eximstats -merge eximstats_day*.txt > "eximstats.consolidated_$MONTH$YEAR.txt"

I did not put the "" for the $MONTH$YEAR, but it still produced the output I wanted. Why is this?

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EXICYCLOG(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      EXICYCLOG(8)

exicyclog - Cycle exim's logfiles SYNOPSIS
eximcyclog DESCRIPTION
The exicyclog script can be used to cycle (rotate) mainlog and rejectlog files. This is not necessary if only syslog is being used. Some operating systems have their own standard mechanisms for log cycling, and these can be used instead of exicyclog if preferred. Each time exicyclog is run the file names get 'shuffled down' by one. If the main log file name is mainlog (the default) then when exicy- clog is run mainlog becomes mainlog.01, the previous mainlog.01 becomes mainlog.02 and so on, up to a limit which is set in the script, and which defaults to 10. Reject logs are handled similarly. If no mainlog file exists, the script does nothing. Files that 'drop off' the end are deleted. All files with numbers greater than 01 are compressed, using a compression command which is configured by the COMPRESS_COMMAND setting in Local/Makefile. It is usual to run "exicy- clog" daily from a root "crontab" entry of the form 1 0 * * * su exim -c /usr/exim/bin/exicyclog assuming you have used the name 'exim' for the Exim user. You can run exicyclog as root if you wish, but there is no need. BUGS
This manual page needs a major re-work. If somebody knows better groff than us and has more experience in writing manual pages, any patches would be greatly appreciated. SEE ALSO
exim(8), /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/ AUTHOR
This manual page was stitched together from spec.txt by Andreas Metzler <ametzler at downhill.at.eu.org>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). March 26, 2003 EXICYCLOG(8)
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