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Full Discussion: Vg not able access.
Operating Systems AIX Vg not able access. Post 303001770 by bakunin on Thursday 10th of August 2017 11:25:01 PM
Old 08-11-2017
Originally Posted by leecopper
Hi Guys,
After a reboot done on the server, I am able to access the VG again, in fact while I am trying to shutdown the server it self, it hang and take long time till I need to force shutdown from HMC.
Thanks a lot guys.
First off, i am glad you could resolve your issue. But: a reboot is (most times) not the way to resolve things. After all, we are not on Windows - we use a real OS with real error-correcting capabilities.

Most probably your issue came from a "VG lock". The SCSI-protocol (which is also used with FC-connected disks as "iSCSI") can lock a disks so that any other attempt to use it will fail. You need such locks for disks which are accessed from more than one system, like in clusters. Sometimes such a lock is placed wrongly and not removed so that it prevents further management of the disk. You need to break such a lock before continuing.
You do that by

varyonvg -bu <VG>

I hope this heps.

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IPWCTL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 IPWCTL(8)

ipwctl -- configure Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 network adapter SYNOPSIS
ipwctl [-i] iface ipwctl [-i] iface -r DESCRIPTION
The ipwctl utility controls the operation of Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 networking devices via ipw(4) driver. You should not use this program to configure IEEE 802.11 parameters. Use ifconfig(8) instead. OPTIONS
The options are as follows: -i iface Display adapter's internal statistics. -i iface -r Display the radio switch state (on or off). FILES
The firmware, loaded automatically, is not shipped with NetBSD; install the pkgsrc/sysutils/ipw-firmware package. The original archive is available from Intel at: http://ipw2100.sourceforge.net/firmware.php?fid=3. ipw2100-1.2.fw BSS mode (connection to an access point) firmware ipw2100-1.2-i.fw IBSS mode (point-to-point connection) firmware ipw2100-1.2-p.fw Monitor mode firmware SEE ALSO
ipw(4), ifconfig(8), pkgsrc/sysutils/ipw-firmware AUTHORS
The ipwctl utility and this man page were written by Damien Bergamini <damien.bergamini@free.fr>. BSD
April 17, 2006 BSD
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