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Operating Systems HP-UX Email Using uuenview w/ Multiple Attachments Post 303005646 by jgt on Friday 20th of October 2017 03:23:19 PM
Old 10-20-2017
Originally Posted by bubba77
HP-UX mbhp7640 B.11.31 U ia64 4294967295 unlimited-user license

Our database builds a MIME compliant html email, then cats that to sendmail - no problem.

Due to horrible issues with the native uuencode, we long ago began using uuenview to encode our attachments - no problem. An example is the following:
(cat Email_msg_332.html ; /usr/local/bin/uuenview -b /home/israejr/Open_POs.xls) | sendmail -t -n -v

I now need to have 2 attachments and can't figure out the syntax (I know enough to be dangerous but am not a UNIX guru). I have added both file names to the MIME at the bottom of my email:
Content-Type: application/Octet-Stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Open_POs.xls"
Content-Type: application/Octet-Stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Stuck_POs.xls"

I have studied the uuenview man pages and it can handle multiple attachments and send email itself, but that is with an empty (non-html) email and we would loose all of our standard look and feel in the email.

I have tried all the following syntax:
!(cat Email_msg_332.html ; /usr/local/bin/uuenview -b /home/israejr/Open_POs.xls ; /home/israejr/Stuck_POs.xls ) | sendmail -t -n -v
!(cat Email_msg_332.html ; /usr/local/bin/uuenview -b /home/israejr/Open_POs.xls /home/israejr/Stuck_POs.xls Stuck_POs.xls) | sendmail -t -n -v
!(cat Email_msg_332.html ; /usr/local/bin/uuenview -b /home/israejr/Open_POs.xls ; /usr/local/bin/uuenview -b /home/israejr/Stuck_POs.xls ) | sendmail -t -n -v
!(cat Email_msg_332.html ; /usr/local/bin/uuenview -b /home/israejr/Open_POs.xls Open_POs.xls ; /home/israejr/Stuck_POs.xls Stuck_POs.xls) | sendmail -t -n -v

Surely there is a way to do this.

i posted a script to do this a month or so ago. search delvmime.

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SMRSH(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  SMRSH(8)

smrsh - restricted shell for sendmail SYNOPSIS
smrsh -c command DESCRIPTION
The smrsh program is intended as a replacement for sh for use in the ``prog'' mailer in sendmail(8) configuration files. It sharply limits the commands that can be run using the ``|program'' syntax of sendmail in order to improve the over all security of your system. Briefly, even if a ``bad guy'' can get sendmail to run a program without going through an alias or forward file, smrsh limits the set of programs that he or she can execute. Briefly, smrsh limits programs to be in a single directory, by default /usr/lib/sendmail.d/bin/ allowing the system administrator to choose the set of acceptable commands, and to the shell builtin commands ``exec'', ``exit'', and ``echo''. It also rejects any commands with the characters ``', `<', `>', `;', `$', `(', `)', ` ' (carriage return), or ` ' (newline) on the command line to prevent ``end run'' attacks. It allows ``||'' and ``&&'' to enable commands like: ``"|exec /usr/local/bin/filter || exit 75"'' Initial pathnames on programs are stripped, so forwarding to ``/usr/bin/vacation'', ``/usr/bin/vacation'', ``/home/server/mydir/bin/vaca- tion'', and ``vacation'' all actually forward to `/usr/lib/sendmail.d/bin/vacation''. System administrators should be conservative about populating the /usr/lib/sendmail.d/bin/ directory. For example, a reasonable additions is vacation(1), and the like. No matter how brow-beaten you may be, never include any shell or shell-like program (such as perl(1)) in the /usr/lib/sendmail.d/bin/ directory. Note that this does not restrict the use of shell or perl scripts in the /usr/lib/sendmail.d/bin/ directory (using the ``#!'' syntax); it simply disallows execution of arbitrary programs. Also, including mail filtering programs such as procmail(1) is a very bad idea. procmail(1) allows users to run arbitrary programs in their procmailrc(5). COMPILATION
Compilation should be trivial on most systems. You may need to use -DSMRSH_PATH="path" to adjust the default search path (defaults to ``/bin:/usr/bin'') and/or -DSMRSH_CMDDIR="dir" to change the default program directory (defaults to ``/usr/lib/sendmail.d/bin/''). FILES
/usr/lib/sendmail.d/bin/ - default directory for restricted programs on SuSE Linux SEE ALSO
sendmail(8) $Date: 2004/08/06 03:55:35 $ SMRSH(8)
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