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Full Discussion: Samba Help
Operating Systems Linux Ubuntu Samba Help Post 303021284 by TBotNik on Tuesday 7th of August 2018 03:15:56 PM
Old 08-07-2018

Ok shortened the cmd to:
mount -t cifs  //server /media/winsvr

It prompts for password. When entered gives error:
mount error(22): Invalid argument
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
Looked up the error online and then ran:
tail -f  /var/log/kern.log

Which is showing:

Aug 7 14:16:37 mypc kernel: [23672.250160] CIFS VFS: Malformed UNC in devname.

This is cryptic and means nothing at all to me!



Last edited by TBotNik; 08-07-2018 at 04:47 PM..

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CIFS.IDMAP(8)						    System Administration tools 					     CIFS.IDMAP(8)

cifs.idmap - Userspace helper for mapping ids for Common Internet File System (CIFS) SYNOPSIS
cifs.idmap [--version|-v] {keyid} DESCRIPTION
This tool is part of the cifs-utils suite. cifs.idmap is a userspace helper program for the linux CIFS client filesystem. There are a number of activities that the kernel cannot easily do itself. This program is a callout program that does these things for the kernel and then returns the result. cifs.idmap is generally intended to be run when the kernel calls request-key(8) for a particular key type. While it can be run directly from the command-line, it is not generally intended to be run that way. cifs.idmap works in conjuction with winbind facility of Samba suite to map owner and group SIDs to uids and gids respectively. It is best utilized when - a mount option of cifsacl is specified when mounting a cifs share - winbind is specified as one of the search entries for passwd and group databases in file /etc/nsswitch.conf - file smb.conf has winbind specific entries - winbind daemon program is running In case winbind and cifs.idmap facilities are unavailable, file objects in a mounted share are assigned uid and gid of the credentials of the process that mounted the share. So it is strongly recomemended to use mount options of uid and gid to specify a default uid and gid to map owner SIDs and group SIDs respectively in case services of winbind and cifs.idmap facility are unavailable. OPTIONS
--version|-v Print version number and exit. CONFIGURATION FOR KEYCTL
cifs.idmap is designed to be called from the kernel via the request-key callout program. This requires that request-key be told where and how to call this program. Currently cifs.idmap handles a key type of: cifs.idmap This keytype is for mapping a SID to either an uid or a gid To make this program useful for CIFS, you will need to set up entry for it in request-key.conf(5). Here is an example of an entry for this key type: #OPERATION TYPE D C PROGRAM ARG1 ARG2... #========= ============= = = ================================ create cifs.idmap * * /usr/sbin/cifs.idmap %k See request-key.conf(5) for more info on each field. NOTES
Support for upcalls to cifs.idmap was initially introduced in the 3.0 kernel. SEE ALSO
request-key.conf(5), mount.cifs(8) AUTHOR
Shirish Pargaonkar wrote the cifs.idmap program. The Linux CIFS Mailing list is the preferred place to ask questions regarding these programs. cifs-utils 05/26/2011 CIFS.IDMAP(8)
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