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Top Forums Programming DB2 Query to pick hierarchy values Post 303021978 by Perlbaby on Wednesday 22nd of August 2018 03:20:47 AM
Old 08-22-2018
Dear Robin
1. This is just learning exercise
2. I did try to rank option but looking for better approach
3. Looking for other option
4.Windows 10, DB2 v9
Well I ranked based on roles first and have stored as reference tables. Since the roles may increases and example posted above has only 2 role examples .

Just to clear - I am new to DB2 and hope to learn from this post. Between I don't need exact code but the idea or heads up would work


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roles(1)							   User Commands							  roles(1)

roles - print roles granted to a user SYNOPSIS
roles [ user ...] DESCRIPTION
The command roles prints on standard output the roles that you or the optionally-specified user have been granted. Roles are special accounts that correspond to a functional responsibility rather than to an actual person (referred to as a normal user). Each user may have zero or more roles. Roles have most of the attributes of normal users and are identified like normal users in passwd(4) and shadow(4). Each role must have an entry in the user_attr(4) file that identifies it as a role. Roles can have their own authorizations and profiles. See auths(1) and profiles(1). Roles are not allowed to log into a system as a primary user. Instead, a user must log in as him-- or herself and assume the role. The actions of a role are attributable to the normal user. When auditing is enabled, the audited events of the role contain the audit ID of the original user who assumed the role. A role may not assume itself or any other role. Roles are not hierarchical. However, rights profiles (see prof_attr(4)) are hierarchical and can be used to achieve the same effect as hierarchical roles. Roles must have valid passwords and one of the shells that interprets profiles: either pfcsh, pfksh, or pfsh. See pfexec(1). Role assumption may be performed using su(1M), rlogin(1), or some other service that supports the PAM_RUSER variable. Successful assumption requires knowledge of the role's password and membership in the role. Role assignments are specified in user_attr(4). EXAMPLES
Example 1: Sample output The output of the roles command has the following form: example% roles tester01 tester02 tester01 : admin tester02 : secadmin, root example% EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 An error occurred. FILES
/etc/user_attr /etc/security/auth_attr /etc/security/prof_attr ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
auths(1), pfexec(1), profiles(1), rlogin(1), su(1M), getauusernam(3BSM), auth_attr(4), passwd(4), prof_attr(4), shadow(4), user_attr(4), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 14 Feb 2001 roles(1)
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