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Operating Systems AIX How to find the details of Fonts on AIX? Post 303023417 by filosophizer on Sunday 16th of September 2018 08:52:23 AM
Old 09-16-2018
How to find the details of Fonts on AIX?


Can someone help me out, how I can find the details of the Fonts installed on AIX,
details such as the font type, directory,

Non-Latin Fonts like Greek, Hebrew, or Arabic,
starting with Arabic

Objective: Oracle Reports creates PDF on AIX
we want to use ARABIC Fonts which are locally available on AIX for oracle to create the PDF reports in Hebrew / Greek / Arabic on AIX

[1] Where can I find these fonts which directory ?

applprod@cloapp:/usr/lib/X11>lslpp -l | grep  X11.fnt
  X11.fnt.coreX      COMMITTED  AIXwindows X Consortium Fonts
  X11.fnt.defaultFonts  COMMITTED  AIXwindows Default Fonts
  X11.fnt.fontServer  COMMITTED  AIXwindows Font Server
  X11.fnt.ibm1046    COMMITTED  AIXwindows Arabic Fonts
  X11.fnt.ibm1046_T1  COMMITTED  AIXwindows Arabic Type1 Fonts
  X11.fnt.iso1       COMMITTED  AIXwindows Latin 1 Fonts
  X11.fnt.iso_T1     COMMITTED  AIXwindows Latin Type1 Fonts
  X11.fnt.ucs.cjk    COMMITTED  AIXwindows Unicode CJK Fonts
  X11.fnt.ucs.com    COMMITTED  AIXwindows Common Fonts
  X11.fnt.ucs.ttf    COMMITTED  AIXwindows Unicode TrueType
  X11.fnt.ucs.ttf_extb  COMMITTED  AIXwindows Unicode TrueType
  X11.fnt.util       COMMITTED  AIXwindows Font Utilities


applprod@cloapp:/usr/lib/X11>locale -a

applprod@cloapp:/home/applprod>cd /usr/lib/X11
app-custom       AR_AE            fonts            nls              system.mwmrc     xdm              xsm
app-defaults     AR_SA            fs               pmconfig         twm              XErrorDB         zh_CN
ar_AA            AtomControl      images           rgb.dir          uid              xkb              ZH_CN
Ar_AA            config           libxrx.so        rgb.pag          XcmsIBM5081.dcc  XKeysymDB
AR_AA            en_US            locale           rgb.txt          Xcms.txt         XpConfig


FONT  FILE               GLYPH  FONT
ID    NAME               SIZE   ENCODING
====  =================  =====  ========
0     Rom22.ibm1046.snf  12x30  IBM-1046
1     Rom10.ibm1046.snf   8x14  IBM-1046


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T1LIBCONFIG(8)						      System Manager's Manual						    T1LIBCONFIG(8)

t1libconfig - create the t1lib.config and FontDataBase files for t1lib SYNOPSIS
t1libconfig [ -v,--version ] [ -h,--help ] --force ] [ fontdirectory... ] DESCRIPTION
t1libconfig scans a list of directories for Type 1 fonts and font metric files, and generates a configuration file and font database file for the t1lib rasterizer library accordingly. By default, it looks in all subdirectories of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts, and in /usr/lib/ghostscript. Extra directories to search may be specified on the command line. The t1libconfig script tries not to scan the same directory twice (this is, however, not foolproof, since /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts and /usr/lib/X11/fonts typically point to the same direc- tory on GNU/Linux systems). OPTIONS
-v,--version Print the version of t1libconfig and exit. -h,--help Print help about usage and exit. --force Force the generation of new configuration files even if these files already exist on the system. FILES
/etc/t1lib/t1lib.config Contains configuration information for t1lib, including colon-separated lists of paths to Type 1 font files and font metrics files, and the location of the default font database file /etc/t1lib/FontDataBase Contains a list of the names of Type 1 font files to be used by t1lib. AUTHOR
David Huggins-Daines <dhd@debian.org> SEE ALSO
FontDataBase(5) T1LIBCONFIG(8)
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