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Full Discussion: cp modification
Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers cp modification Post 303024506 by apmcd47 on Wednesday 10th of October 2018 07:19:14 AM
Old 10-10-2018
Originally Posted by MuntyScrunt
The file would never be in the same directory, that wouldn't make any sense.


I want to copy the file /mnt/g/blender/projects/raider_ship_3000_frame_test_run.blend

And I want to copy the file to my current directory /mnt/backup

I just don't want type the file file name.

1) it's boring.
2) Introducing typos is easy.

And I'm working with a lot of files.
the cp command 'assumes' the current directory to be the destination directory if not specified, I'm just asking if the file name can be assumed to be the same if not specified.
If all your files are in /mnt/g/blender/projects you could try one of
$ cp /mnt/g/blender/projects/* .
$ cp /mnt/g/blender/projects/{file1,file2,file3} .
$ cd /mnt/g/blender/projects; cp file1 .... filen /mnt/backup

If they are in multiple different directories it's a little more difficult.

If all your files are in different directories, all under, say /mnt/g/blender, and I assume you are using bash as your shell, you could try this:
$ cd /mnt/g/blender
$ shopt -s globstar
$ cp **/file1 **/file2 .... **/filen /mnt/backup

globstar is a bash shell option that expands **/ into all subdirectories.

Otherwise I don't think you can do what you want.


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MSDOSFS(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual							MSDOSFS(5)

msdosfs -- MS-DOS file system SYNOPSIS
The msdosfs driver will permit the FreeBSD kernel to read and write MS-DOS based file systems. The most common usage follows: mount -t msdosfs /dev/ada0sN /mnt where N is the partition number and /mnt is a mount point. Some users tend to create a /dos directory for msdosfs mount points. This helps to keep better track of the file system, and make it more easily accessible. It is possible to define an entry in /etc/fstab that looks similar to: /dev/ada0sN /dos msdosfs rw 0 0 This will mount an MS-DOS based partition at the /dos mount point during system boot. Using /mnt as a permanent mount point is not advised as its intention has always been to be a temporary mount point for floppy and ZIP disks. See hier(7) for more information on FreeBSD direc- tory layout. SEE ALSO
mount(2), unmount(2), mount(8), mount_msdosfs(8), umount(8) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Tom Rhodes <trhodes@FreeBSD.org>. BSD
October 1, 2013 BSD
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