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Operating Systems AIX AIX memory usage by processes Post 303025034 by rbatte1 on Tuesday 23rd of October 2018 08:48:45 AM
Old 10-23-2018
I regret that I am unable to hack into your servers and my crystal ball is in for servicing. Can you post some meaningful output illustrating why you think you have a problem?

It is usual for Unix/Linux servers of all flavours to keep their memory full, i.e. cached of anything they have used, just in case it can be re-used without having to wait for disk IO. Are you seeing paging space used? The output from lsps -a would show you this sort of thing. It is extreeeeemly unlikely that the two servers will have done exactly the same thing.

The output from vmstat 5 should also have a few columns about paging in & out counts.

If your server is not using paging space, then you don't generally have a memory problem. What is making you concerned?

Thanks, in advance,

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SWAPON(8)						       System Administration							 SWAPON(8)

swapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping SYNOPSIS
Get info: swapon -s [-h] [-V] Enable/disable: swapon [-d] [-f] [-p priority] [-v] specialfile... swapoff [-v] specialfile... Enable/disable all: swapon -a [-e] [-f] [-v] swapoff -a [-v] DESCRIPTION
swapon is used to specify devices on which paging and swapping are to take place. The device or file used is given by the specialfile parameter. It may be of the form -L label or -U uuid to indicate a device by label or uuid. Calls to swapon normally occur in the system boot scripts making all swap devices available, so that the paging and swapping activity is interleaved across several devices and files. swapoff disables swapping on the specified devices and files. When the -a flag is given, swapping is disabled on all known swap devices and files (as found in /proc/swaps or /etc/fstab). -a, --all All devices marked as ``swap'' in /etc/fstab are made available, except for those with the ``noauto'' option. Devices that are already being used as swap are silently skipped. -d, --discard Discard freed swap pages before they are reused, if the swap device supports the discard or trim operation. This may improve per- formance on some Solid State Devices, but often it does not. The /etc/fstab mount option discard may be also used to enable discard flag. -e, --ifexists Silently skip devices that do not exist. The /etc/fstab mount option nofail may be also used to skip non-existing device. -f, --fixpgsz Reinitialize (exec /sbin/mkswap) the swap space if its page size does not match that of the current running kernel. mkswap(2) ini- tializes the whole device and does not check for bad blocks. -h, --help Provide help. -L label Use the partition that has the specified label. (For this, access to /proc/partitions is needed.) -p, --priority priority Specify the priority of the swap device. priority is a value between -1 and 32767. Higher numbers indicate higher priority. See swapon(2) for a full description of swap priorities. Add pri=value to the option field of /etc/fstab for use with swapon -a. When priority is not defined it defaults to -1. -s, --summary Display swap usage summary by device. Equivalent to "cat /proc/swaps". Not available before Linux 2.1.25. --show [column,column] Display definable device table similar to --summary output. See --help output for column list. --noheadings Do not print headings when displaying --show output. --raw Display --show output without aligning table columns. --bytes Display swap size in bytes in --show output instead of user friendly size and unit. -U uuid Use the partition that has the speci- fied uuid. -v, --verbose Be verbose. -V, --version Display version. NOTES
You should not use swapon on a file with holes. Swap over NFS may not work. swapon automatically detects and rewrites swap space signature with old software suspend data (e.g S1SUSPEND, S2SUSPEND, ...). The problem is that if we don't do it, then we get data corruption the next time an attempt at unsuspending is made. swapon may not work correctly when using a swap file with some versions of btrfs. This is due to the swap file implementation in the ker- nel expecting to be able to write to the file directly, without the assistance of the file system. Since btrfs is a copy-on-write file system, the file location may not be static and corruption can result. Btrfs actively disallows the use of files on its file systems by refusing to map the file. This can be seen in the system log as "swapon: swapfile has holes." One possible workaround is to map the file to a loopback device. This will allow the file system to determine the mapping properly but may come with a performance impact. ENVIRONMENT
LIBMOUNT_DEBUG=0xffff enables debug output. SEE ALSO
swapon(2), swapoff(2), fstab(5), init(8), mkswap(8), rc(8), mount(8) FILES
/dev/sd?? standard paging devices /etc/fstab ascii filesystem description table HISTORY
The swapon command appeared in 4.0BSD. AVAILABILITY
The swapon command is part of the util-linux package and is available from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/. util-linux September 1995 SWAPON(8)
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