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Top Forums Web Development Notes with Ravinder on Badging System Development Part II Post 303028210 by Neo on Wednesday 2nd of January 2019 06:33:13 AM
Old 01-02-2019
Another one bites the dust.... prototype badge "discussions started in the last month" ...

$monthtq = "SELECT COUNT(threadid) AS threadcount from thread where firstpostid=" . $uid . " and  dateline > " . $one_month_ago;
$monththreads = $vbulletin->db->query_first($monthtq);
if ($monththreads['threadcount'] >= 4) {
    $color['faterminal'] = 'black';
} elseif ($monththreads['threadcount'] >= 5) {
    $color['faterminal'] = 'indigo';
} elseif ($monththreads['threadcount'] >= 2) {
    $color['faterminal'] = 'blue';
} elseif ($monththreads['threadcount'] >= 1) {
    $color['faterminal'] = 'limegreen';
} else {
    $color['faterminal'] = 'lightgray';

$badgejs .= 'badge["faterminal"] = "' . $color['faterminal'] . '";';
$badgejs .= 'badge["faterminalval"] = "' . number_format($monththreads['threadcount']) . '";';


$('.fa-terminal').css("cursor","pointer").attr("title",  badge["faterminalval"] + " Discussions Started in the Last Month");

9 out of 48 protos left .. Smilie

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NNSTATS(1m)															       NNSTATS(1m)

nnstats - display nnmaster collection and expire statistics SYNOPSIS
nnstats [ -lt ] [ -d month day ] [ -m month ] [ logfile ]... DESCRIPTION
nnstats will extract the collection (C) and expiration (X) entries from the log file and calculate total and average number of articles, groups and elapsed time per day, per month, or for the duration of the whole log file. Normally only a summary for the specified period is printed. If -l is specified, the statistics for each day in the period is also printed, and if -t is specified the summary is not printed. Normally the statistics is collected for all days in the log files (or the current log file if one is not specified). If "-m month" is specified, the statistics for that month is calculated. The month is specified in normal date notation, i.e. a capital- ized three letter abbreviation like Jan, Feb, ... If "-d month day" is specified, the statistics for that date only is calculated and printed. FILES
../Log The log file SEE ALSO
nn(1), nnusage(1M), nnadmin(1M), nnmaster(8) NOTES
If nnmaster is run with options -LCX, nnstats will not work, because the necessary entries are not written to the log file. AUTHORS
Mark Moraes <moraes@csri.toronto.edu> Kim F. Storm <storm@texas.dk> 4th Berkeley Distribution Release 6.6 NNSTATS(1m)
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