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Top Forums Web Development Sneak Preview: New UNIX.COM UserCP VueJS Demo Post 303030742 by Neo on Thursday 14th of February 2019 10:40:31 PM
Old 02-14-2019
Originally Posted by RavinderSingh13
Wowww, Woww, Wowww. This is simply AWESOME. You ROCK Neo.

R. Singh
LOL... yes, I know.... ROTFL

Thanks for the compliment, Ravinder.

This solution has a long way to go yet. I'm mocking up the template now, step-by-step and coding new features as I go.
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LQR_CARVER_GET_ENL_STEP(3)				     LqR library API reference					LQR_CARVER_GET_ENL_STEP(3)

lqr_carver_get_enl_step - get the enlargement step of a LqrCarver object SYNOPSIS
#include <lqr.h> gfloat lqr_carver_get_enl_step(LqrCarver* carver); DESCRIPTION
The function lqr_carver_get_enl_step returns the enlargement step of the LqrCarver object pointed to by carver, i.e. the maximum enlargement allowed in a single step for that carver, expressed as the ratio with respect to its reference width (for horizontal rescalings) or height (for vertical rescalings). The returned value is strictly greater than 1 and less than 2. SEE ALSO
lqr_carver_get_width(3), lqr_carver_get_height(3), lqr_carver_get_ref_width(3), lqr_carver_get_ref_height(3), lqr_carver_get_channels(3), lqr_carver_get_col_depth(3), lqr_carver_set_enl_step(3), lqr_carver_resize(3), lqr_carver_get_orientation(3) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Carlo Baldassi LqR library 0.4.1 API (3:1:3) 10 Maj 2009 LQR_CARVER_GET_ENL_STEP(3)
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