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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers Extract lines if string found from last 30 min only Post 303030802 by nezabudka on Saturday 16th of February 2019 02:31:34 AM
Old 02-16-2019
Thank you very much for the comments. All the above I be taken into account for the future.
And in the last remark. This is my carelessness and bug. The order of the expressions was violated.
Apparently I wanted to make something like that.
        if ($7 == "PM") a[1]+=12
        if (a[1] == 24) a[1] = "00"
        $5 = a[1] ":" a[2] ":" a[3]

Thanks to @RudiC. There are no options in the man page on this issue:
locale abday
locale abmon

Thank you for teaching, it was very informative.

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EXTRACTOR(1)						  The Canonical Csound Reference					      EXTRACTOR(1)

extractor - Extract a section of audio from an audio file. . DESCRIPTION
Extract a section of audio, by time or sample, from an existing sound file. SYNTAX
extractor [OPTIONS ... ] infile INITIALIZATION
Flags: o -S integer = Start the extract at the given sample number. o -Z integer = End the extract at the given sample number. o - Q integer = Extract given number of samples. o -T fpnum = Start the extract at the given time in seconds. o -E fpnum = End the extract at the given time in seconds. o -D fpnum = Extract given time in seconds. o -v = Verbose mode. o -R = Continually rewrite the header while writing soundfile (WAV/AIFF). o -H integer = Show a "heart-beat" to indicate progress, in style 1, 2 or 3. o -N = Alert call (usually ringing the bell) when finished. o -v = Verbose mode. o -o fname = output file name (default: test.wav) EXAMPLES
The default values are extractor -S 0 -Z end-of-file -otest For example extractor -S 10234 -D 2.13 in.aiff -o out.wav This creates a new sound file taken from sample 10234 and lasting 2.13 seconds. CREDITS
Author: John ffitch 1994 AUTHORS
Barry Vercoe MIT Media Lab Author. Dan Ellis MIT Media Lab, Cambridge Massachussetts Author. COPYRIGHT
5.10 08/01/2011 EXTRACTOR(1)
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