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Top Forums Web Development Mod_rewrite to handle paths ? Post 303032676 by MaxtheCat on Thursday 21st of March 2019 10:48:37 PM
Old 03-21-2019
I'm trying to run an app on my server, but that app requires access to a Angular.js file. Therefore, could it be because my mod_rewrite files is not setup to handle paths, that the Angular.js file cannot be access, causing the app not to load properly ?

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SYSTEMD-PATH(1) 						   systemd-path 						   SYSTEMD-PATH(1)

systemd-path - List and query system and user paths SYNOPSIS
systemd-path [OPTIONS...] [NAME...] DESCRIPTION
systemd-path may be used to query system and user paths. The tool makes many of the paths described in file-hierarchy(7) available for querying. When invoked without arguments, a list of known paths and their current values is shown. When at least one argument is passed, the path with this name is queried and its value shown. The variables whose name begins with "search-" do not refer to individual paths, but instead to a list of colon-separated search paths, in their order of precedence. OPTIONS
The following options are understood: --suffix= The printed paths are suffixed by the specified string. -h, --help Print a short help text and exit. --version Print a short version string and exit. EXIT STATUS
On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. SEE ALSO
systemd(1), file-hierarchy(7) systemd 237 SYSTEMD-PATH(1)
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