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Full Discussion: Debug script
Operating Systems Linux Ubuntu Debug script Post 303033285 by Don Cragun on Tuesday 2nd of April 2019 10:01:05 PM
Old 04-02-2019
Originally Posted by drew77
I thought the temp files were automatically deleted upon reboots.?
Everything in /tmp is removed on reboot by default on some operating systems unless a local systems administrator decides to change that policy. I have no idea what Ubuntu does by default nor what the sysadmins who run your site have decided to implement.

It never hurts anything if you decide to clean up your temporary files when you're done with them! Smilie
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LWP::Debug(3)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					     LWP::Debug(3)

LWP::Debug - debug routines for the libwww-perl library SYNOPSIS
use LWP::Debug qw(+ -conns); # Used internally in the library LWP::Debug::trace('send()'); LWP::Debug::debug('url ok'); LWP::Debug::conns("read $n bytes: $data"); DESCRIPTION
LWP::Debug provides tracing facilities. The trace(), debug() and conns() function are called within the library and they log information at increasing levels of detail. Which level of detail is actually printed is controlled with the "level()" function. The following functions are available: level(...) The "level()" function controls the level of detail being logged. Passing '+' or '-' indicates full and no logging respectively. Inidi- vidual levels can switched on and of by passing the name of the level with a '+' or '-' prepended. The levels are: trace : trace function calls debug : print debug messages conns : show all data transfered over the connections The LWP::Debug module provide a special import() method that allows you to pass the level() arguments with initial use statement. If a use argument start with '+' or '-' then it is passed to the level function, else the name is exported as usual. The following two statements are thus equivalent (if you ignore that the second pollutes your namespace): use LWP::Debug qw(+); use LWP::Debug qw(level); level('+'); trace($msg) The "trace()" function is used for tracing function calls. The package and calling subroutine name is printed along with the passed argument. This should be called at the start of every major function. debug($msg) The "debug()" function is used for high-granularity reporting of state in functions. conns($msg) The "conns()" function is used to show data being transferred over the connections. This may generate considerable output. libwww-perl-5.65 1997-12-02 LWP::Debug(3)
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