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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers Grep -P does not capture the desired output Post 303037220 by sand1234 on Friday 26th of July 2019 08:26:58 AM
Old 07-26-2019
Grep -P does not capture the desired output


I'm trying to filter the following output to only display information about an alarm where the Status: corresponds to Set.

Description:             hw_optics:  RX POWER LANE-0 LOW ALARM
Location:                 Optics0/0/0/21
AID:                     XR/HW_OPTICS/45
Module Name:              Optics0/0/0/21
EID:                     PORT/OPTICS/21
Reporting Agent ID:      196678
Pending Sync:            false
Severity:                Major
Status:                  Clear
Group:                   Software
Set Time:                06/19/2019 05:01:23 UTC
Clear Time:              06/19/2019 23:54:24 UTC
Service Affecting:       NotServiceAffecting
Transport Direction:     NotSpecified
Transport Source:        NotSpecified
Interface:               N/A
Alarm Name:              OPTICS RX POWER LANE-0 LOW ALARM
Description:             hw_optics:  RX POWER LANE-0 LOW WARNING
Location:                 Optics0/0/0/21
AID:                     XR/HW_OPTICS/53
Module Name:              Optics0/0/0/21
EID:                     PORT/OPTICS/21
Reporting Agent ID:      196678
Pending Sync:            false
Severity:                Minor
Status:                  Set
Group:                   Software
Set Time:                06/19/2019 05:01:23 UTC
Clear Time:              06/19/2019 23:54:24 UTC
Service Affecting:       NotServiceAffecting
Transport Direction:     NotSpecified
Transport Source:        NotSpecified
Interface:               N/A
Alarm Name:              OPTICS RX POWER LANE-0 LOW WARNING

Expected output

Description:             hw_optics:  RX POWER LANE-0 LOW WARNING
Location:                 Optics0/0/0/21
AID:                     XR/HW_OPTICS/53
Module Name:              Optics0/0/0/21
EID:                     PORT/OPTICS/21
Reporting Agent ID:      196678
Pending Sync:            false
Severity:                Minor
Status:                  Set
Group:                   Software
Set Time:                06/19/2019 05:01:23 UTC
Clear Time:              06/19/2019 23:54:24 UTC
Service Affecting:       NotServiceAffecting
Transport Direction:     NotSpecified
Transport Source:        NotSpecified
Interface:               N/A
Alarm Name:              OPTICS RX POWER LANE-0 LOW WARNING

I've tried the following code but it doesn't work.

grep -P -B 10 -A 9 'Status:(.*Clear)' alarms.txt     <--- prints out the block with "Clear"

$ grep -P -B 10 -A 9 'Status:\!(.*Clear)' alarms.txt     <--- does not print anything

Can I get some assistance around this?

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Just realised that the host machine does not support "grep -P" option.

Is there any alternative to accomplish this?

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Last edited by sand1234; 07-26-2019 at 10:24 AM..

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