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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Calculate the performance of employee Post 303037732 by rohit_shinez on Monday 12th of August 2019 12:05:01 AM
Old 08-12-2019
I think its not getting sorted properly

{ read; echo $REPLY; sort -t"|" -k7bg; } </tmp/salary.txt
EMPNAME | SALARY | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Avg Q | Expected Sal | Incremented Sal | Performance |
Ron | 54980 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2.50 | 56354.50 | 1374.50 | ON TRACK |
Lim | 87900 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 5.50 | 92734.50 | 4834.50 | AVG |
Bred | 67000 | 7 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 6.50 | 71355.00 | 4355.00 | AVG |

Expected would be sorted like below based on Avg Q

Instead can we get a proper tabular form instead of pipe which is getting confused. Ignore the spaces i took from Excel table but some how not able to make it proper tabular form
EMPNAME	SALARY	Q1	Q2	Q3	Q4	Avg	Expected Sal	Incremented Sal	Performance
Ron	54980	3	2	4	1	2.5	56354.5	1374.5	ON TRACK
Lim	87900	6	7	5	4	5.5	92734.5	4834.5	AVG
Bred	67000	7	8	5	6	6.5	71355	4355	AVG

Last edited by rohit_shinez; 08-12-2019 at 01:21 AM..

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LedgerSMB::DBObject::Employee(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			LedgerSMB::DBObject::Employee(3pm)

LedgerSMB::DBObject::Employee - LedgerSMB class for managing Employees SYOPSIS
This module creates object instances based on LedgerSMB's in-database ORM. METHODS
The following method is static: new ($LedgerSMB object); save Saves an employee. Inputs required entity_id May not be undef start_date end_date dob date may not be undef role Not the database role. Either manager or user ssn sales manager_id employee_number search Returns a list of employees matching set criteria: employeenumber (exact match) startdate_from (start of date range) startdate_to (end of date range) first_name (partial match) middle_name (partial match) last_name (partial match) notes (partial match) Undef values match all values. set_entity_class Sets the entity class to 3. get_managers Retrieves a set of managers and attaches to $self->{all_managers} save_location Saves the location data for the contact. Inputs are standard location inputs (line_one, line_two, etc) save_contact Saves contact information. Inputs are standard contact inputs: entity_id contact_class contact description save_bank_account Saves a bank account to an employee. Standard inputs (entity_id, iban, bic) get_metadata() This retrieves various information vor building the user interface. Among other things, it sets the following properties: $self->{ar_ap_acc_list} = qw(list of ar or ap accounts) $self->{cash_acc_list} = qw(list of cash accounts) get Returns the employee record with all the inputs required for "save" populated. Also populates: locations List of location info contacts List of contact info notes List of notes bank account List of bank accounts save_notes Saves a note to an employee entity. Standard inputs (note, subject, entity_id) delete_contact required request variables: contact_class_id: int id of contact class contact: text of contact information person_id: int of entity_credit_account.id, preferred value delete_location Deletes a record from the location side. Required request variables: location_id location_class_id person_id Returns true if a record was deleted. False otherwise. delete_bank_account Deletes a bank account Requires: entity_id bank_account_id Returns true if a record was deleted, false otherwise. get_user_info Attaches the user_id and username to the employee object. If the user does not have manage_users powers, this will simply return false Copyright (C) 2007, The LedgerSMB core team. This file is licensed under the Gnu General Public License version 2, or at your option any later version. A copy of the license should have been included with your software. perl v5.14.2 2012-03-10 LedgerSMB::DBObject::Employee(3pm)
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