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Full Discussion: Alternative for chattr
Special Forums Cybersecurity Alternative for chattr Post 303038379 by nimafire on Sunday 1st of September 2019 09:37:50 AM
Old 09-01-2019
oh. ok i will check you post again

--- Post updated at 09:37 AM ---

ok i get what you mean
question is is it possible to log binery?
your solution is awesome when we dont require curl, however if i need curl and want to log ?

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LSATTR(1)						      General Commands Manual							 LSATTR(1)

lsattr - list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system SYNOPSIS
lsattr [ -RVadlpv ] [ files... ] DESCRIPTION
lsattr lists the file attributes on a second extended file system. See chattr(1) for a description of the attributes and what they mean. OPTIONS
-R Recursively list attributes of directories and their contents. -V Display the program version. -a List all files in directories, including files that start with `.'. -d List directories like other files, rather than listing their contents. -l Print the options using long names instead of single character abbreviations. -p List the file's project number. -v List the file's version/generation number. AUTHOR
lsattr was written by Remy Card <Remy.Card@linux.org>. It is currently being maintained by Theodore Ts'o <tytso@alum.mit.edu>. BUGS
There are none :-). AVAILABILITY
lsattr is part of the e2fsprogs package and is available from http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net. SEE ALSO
chattr(1) E2fsprogs version 1.44.1 March 2018 LSATTR(1)
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