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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Logger command not working for one script Post 303039129 by MadeInGermany on Monday 23rd of September 2019 05:01:03 PM
Old 09-23-2019
You must give a facility.severity pair after -p
For ex
logger -p user.err  "XY 6990 - ERC API on $(hostname) is restarted"

The syslog service determines which file user.err is.
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service(8)						      System Manager's Manual							service(8)

service - run a System V init script SYNOPSIS
service SCRIPT COMMAND [OPTIONS] service --status-all service --help | -h | --version DESCRIPTION
service runs a System V init script in as predictable environment as possible, removing most environment variables and with current working directory set to /. The SCRIPT parameter specifies a System V init script, located in /etc/init.d/SCRIPT. The supported values of COMMAND depend on the invoked script, service passes COMMAND and OPTIONS it to the init script unmodified. All scripts should support at least the start and stop commands. As a special case, if COMMAND is --full-restart, the script is run twice, first with the stop command, then with the start command. service --status-all runs all init scripts, in alphabetical order, with the status command. EXIT CODES
service calls the init script and returns the status returned by it. FILES
/etc/init.d The directory containing System V init scripts. ENVIRONMENT
LANG, TERM The only environment variables passed to the init scripts. SEE ALSO
/etc/init.d/skeleton, update-rc.d(8), init(8), invoke-rc.d(8). Jan 2006 service(8)
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