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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers Check that at least one file exists in the directory. Post 303039617 by MadeInGermany on Thursday 10th of October 2019 01:26:54 PM
Old 10-10-2019
Your words are unclear, and your code sample is unclear.
Problably you mean
for i in $INPUTDIR/abc*.dat
        if  [ -f $i ]; then
                echo "delete data from table..."
                echo "$i"
return $exitcd

The break terminates the loop.
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UNKNOWN(1)						      General Commands Manual							UNKNOWN(1)

unknown - identify possible genotypes for unknowns SYNOPSIS
A program to rapidly identify which genotypes are possible for individuals typed as unknowns in the input pedigree. unknown [ -cl ] DESCRIPTION
unknown infers possible genotypes and mating combinations for parents with unknown genotypes for ilink(1), mlink(1) and linkmap(1). OPTIONS
-c Use conditional allele frequencies. -l Choose a good set of loop breakers automatically. RETURN VALUE
0 Successful completion ERRORS
10 File not found 255 Failure EXAMPLES
Normally, unknown(1) is run immediately prior to its sister programs, ilink(1), mlink(1) and linkmap(1), like this: unknown mlink FILES
unknown(1) reads the two files pedfile.dat and datafile.dat as its own input and produces various temporary files that are used as input to the next program. These temporary files are ipedfile.dat, upedfile.dat, speedfile.dat and newspeedfile.dat. NOTES
unknown(1) is part of the FASTLINK package, which is a re-implementation of the LINKAGE suite of computer tools that help investigate genetic linkage as first proposed G.M. Lathrop, J.M. Lalouel, C. Julier, and J. Ott. AUTHORS
Dylan Cooper, Alejandro Schaffer, and Tony Schurtz based on work originally by Jurg Ott, Ph.D, et. al. This manual page was written by Elizabeth Barham <lizzy@soggytrousers.net> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). WORD-WIDE-WEB http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBResearch/Schaffer/fastlink.html SEE ALSO
ilink(1), linkmap(1), lodscore(1), mlink(1). April 15, 2003 UNKNOWN(1)
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