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Operating Systems AIX Half part of devices is in defined mode Post 303040692 by mcgvaer on Monday 4th of November 2019 01:14:57 PM
Old 11-04-2019
Half part of devices is in defined mode

I have an old p5 570 ibm server that consists of two enclosure and make by FC1847 cable, single 8 processors server.
So, after one part of it, accidentally was turned off, I lost all devices from it.
Now they all in defined mode, for example:
dodo:/# lsdev -Cc processor
proc0  Available 00-00 Processor
proc2  Available 00-02 Processor
proc4  Available 00-04 Processor
proc6  Available 00-06 Processor
proc8  Defined   00-08 Processor
proc10 Defined   00-10 Processor
proc12 Defined   00-12 Processor
proc14 Defined   00-14 Processor

cfgmgr doesn't help at all, how can I restore all these devices

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 11-04-2019 at 02:45 PM.. Reason: code tags + spelling corrections

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devices(4)							   File Formats 							devices(4)

devices, devid_cache, snapshot_cache, mdi_scsi_vhci_cache, mdi_ib_cache, devname_cache - device configuration information SYNOPSIS
/etc/devices /etc/devices/devid_cache /etc/devices/snapshot_cache /etc/devices/mdi_scsi_vhci_cache /etc/devices/mdi_ib_cache /etc/devices/devname_cache DESCRIPTION
The directory /etc/devices is a repository of device-related data. Files in this directory are used to preserve this information across reboots and are created and updated as necessary by the system. There are no administrative actions necessary with respect to files in /etc/devices. Should the contents of a file become corrupted or an update fail, the file can simply be removed. The system re-creates the file as necessary. SEE ALSO
devfsadm(1M), dev(7FS), ddi_devid_compare(9F), ddi_devid_compare(9F) NOTES
Files in this directory do not constitute an API. Files might not exist or might have a different content or interpretation in a future release. The existence of this notice does not imply that any other documentation that lacks this notice constitutes an API. SunOS 5.11 8 Jun 2006 devices(4)
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