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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers If file pattern exists in directory then continue Post 303041170 by MadeInGermany on Saturday 16th of November 2019 04:59:32 AM
Old 11-16-2019
Define a file_exists function.
Then you can do
if file_exists "$dir"/[Ff]ile[Oo]ne.csv

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xslt_set_scheme_handlers - Set the scheme handlers for theXSLTprocessor

void xslt_set_scheme_handlers (resource $xh, array $handlers) DESCRIPTION
Registers the scheme handlers (XPath handlers) for the document. PARAMETERS
o $ xh -The XSLT processor link identifier, created with xslt_create(3). o $handlers - An array with the following keys: "get_all", "open", "get", "put", and "close". Every entry must be a function name or an array in the following format: array($obj, "method"). Note that the given array does not need to contain all of the different scheme handler elements (although it can), but it only needs to conform to the "handler" => "function" format described above. Each of the individual scheme handler functions called are in the formats below: string get_all(resource processor, string scheme, string rest) resource open(resource processor, string scheme, string rest) int get(resource processor, resource fp, string &data) int put(resource processor, resource fp, string data) void close(resource processor, resource fp) RETURN VALUES
No value is returned. EXAMPLES
Example #1 xslt_set_scheme_handlers(3) example For example, here is an implementation of the "file_exists()" PHP function. <?php // Definition of the handler function mySchemeHandler($processor, $scheme, $rest) { $rest = substr($rest,1); // to remove the first / automatically added by the engine if ($scheme == 'file_exists') { // result is embedded in a small xml string return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root>' . (file_exists($rest) ? 'true' : 'false') . '</root>'; } } $SchemeHandlerArray = array('get_all' => 'mySchemeHandler'); // Start the engine $params = array(); $xh = xslt_create(); xslt_set_scheme_handlers($xh, $SchemeHandlerArray); $result = xslt_process($xh, "myFile.xml", "myFile.xsl", NULL, array(), $params); xslt_free($xh); echo $result; ?> Then, inside the stylesheet, you can test whether a certain file exists with: <xsl:if test="document('file_exists:anotherXMLfile.xml')/root='true'"> <!-- The file exist --> </xsl:if> SEE ALSO
xslt_set_scheme_handler(3). PHP Documentation Group XSLT_SET_SCHEME_HANDLERS(3)
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