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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting View all jar files contents in one go ? Post 303041394 by Scrutinizer on Friday 22nd of November 2019 06:21:04 AM
Old 11-22-2019
find . -name '*.jar' -exec jar tf {} \; | grep -v '/$' | xargs grep -hil 'org/openqa/selenium/WebDriver'


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REBUILD-JAR-REPOSI(1)						Java Packages Tools					     REBUILD-JAR-REPOSI(1)

rebuild-jar-repository - rebuild a JAR repository SYNOPSIS
rebuild-jar-repository [OPTION]... DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION
Rebuild a jar repository (built by build-jar-repository) based on the current JVM settings OPTIONS
If no option is specified the default action will be to rebuild with symbolic links -c, --copy Copy files. -h, --hard Create hard links. -s, --soft, --symbolic Create symbolic links (default). EXAMPLES
rebuild-jar-repository . - This will update all links created by build-jar-repository in the current working directory. Updated links will be symbolic links. rebuild-jar-repository -h /tmp - This will update all links created by build-jar-repository in the /tmp directory. Updated links will be hard links. AUTHOR
Written by the JPackage Project (http://www.jpackage.org/). REPORTING BUGS
Bugs should be reported through Red Hat Bugzilla at http://bugzilla.redhat.com/. SEE ALSO
build-jar-repository(1), build-classpath(1), JAVAPACKAGES
06/10/2014 REBUILD-JAR-REPOSI(1)
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