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Top Forums Programming Arduino Project with NB-IoT (3GPP) and LoRa / LoRaWAN Post 303042573 by Neo on Monday 30th of December 2019 06:54:56 AM
Old 12-30-2019
I will test 900 MHZ band NB-IoT 3GPP Arduino shield development device from AIS in Thailand which I just ordered today for a bit over $30 USD. I want to see if it can penetrate the building and connect to the 3GPP network. If not, I can use it for developing "sensor network projects" in my lab.

Arduino Project with NB-IoT (3GPP) and LoRa / LoRaWAN-ais_devicejpg

I think I will also test the same device from another local provider, TRUE after I test the AIS shield above.

Also, I have an appointment with the Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT) to discuss LoRaWAN penetration early Jan after the holidays, both as a service from CAT and to set up an unlicensed LoRaWAN network with private gateway as well.

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lora(7) 						 Miscellaneous Information Manual						   lora(7)

lora - Locality-Optimized Resource Alignment (LORA) framework DESCRIPTION
an acronym for Locality-Optimized Resource Alignment, is a framework for exploiting the locality domains in HP Non-Uniform Memory Architec- ture (NUMA) servers to improve performance or to reduce cost. On NUMA servers, a locality domain can consist of a related collection of processors, memory, and peripheral resources. All processors in a given locality domain will have equal or close to equal latency to any memory. LORA consists of a set of configuration rules, commands and tools to simplify the configuration process, and a new HP-UX kernel mode. The two HP-UX modes are called LORA mode and SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessor) mode. SMP mode is characterized by balanced utilization of all system processing resources, although the scheduler does account for system topology in processor scheduling decisions. In LORA mode, HP-UX attempts to align the processing resources executing an application within the minimal set of locality domains. This alignment results in improved application performance, or, alternatively, comparable performance with fewer processing resources. The use of LORA is recommended for and is generally beneficial to all workloads that exhibit locality of memory reference. The exception is technical applications that operate on extremely large data sets. The use of LORA requires the installation of a set of patches docu- mented in the HP-UX 11i Version 3 September 2009 Release Notes. The command can be used to establish server configurations that conform to the LORA rules. The command can be used to reestablish good resource alignment if it has been disrupted by a major workload transition or platform recon- figuration event. The kernel tunable parameter can be used to control the HP-UX mode. The kernel tunable parameter can be used to control the LORA memory allocation policies. The kernel tunable parameter can be used to control the LORA process launch policies. The tuning recommendations for LORA are as follows:(1) Leave the parameter at its default value of 0.(2) Leave the parameter at its default value of 0.(3) Leave the parameter at its default value of 1.(4) Apply the Server-Tunables product from the Tune-N-Tools bundle. AUTHOR
was developed by HP. SEE ALSO
loratune(1M), parconfig(1M), numa_mode(5), numa_policy(5), numa_sched_launch(5). a detailed white paper is available at lora(7)
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