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Top Forums Programming How to make use others' C library installed not for the system-wide (Ubuntu/Linux)? Post 303043000 by GRMartin on Wednesday 15th of January 2020 02:05:02 PM
Old 01-15-2020
You can compile and link using compiler options. The library is referenced using -l<its_name_here> and the path to the library using -L/path/to/lib.

-I is for the path to include directories.

However, if the library isn't in a directory in the linkers path when you run the executable you'll get an error. One way to solve this is to use rpath option.

someting like:

gcc -Wall -O3 -o vcf_parser01 vcf.c vcf_parser01.c -Wl,-rpath,/home/yifangt/Study/C/VCF -L/home/yifangt/Study/C/VCF -lhtslib-1.10.2  2>err.txt

Note: I'm guessing what you need and what each item is. -I should be used with the path to header -l prepended to the library name and -L preceding the path to the library.

Last edited by GRMartin; 01-15-2020 at 03:22 PM..

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Mojo::Home(3pm) 					User Contributed Perl Documentation					   Mojo::Home(3pm)

Mojo::Home - Detect and access the project root directory in Mojo SYNOPSIS
use Mojo::Home; my $home = Mojo::Home->new; $home->detect; DESCRIPTION
Mojo::Home is a container for home directories. ATTRIBUTES
Mojo::Home implements the following attributes. "app_class" my $class = $home->app_class; $home = $home->app_class('Foo::Bar'); Application class. METHODS
Mojo::Home inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones. "new" my $home = Mojo::Home->new; my $home = Mojo::Home->new('/home/sri/myapp'); Construct a new Mojo::Home object. "detect" $home = $home->detect; $home = $home->detect('My::App'); Detect home directory from the value of the "MOJO_HOME" environment variable or application class. "lib_dir" my $path = $home->lib_dir; Path to "lib" directory of application. "list_files" my $files = $home->list_files; my $files = $home->list_files('foo/bar'); Portably list all files recursively in directory relative to the home diectory. $home->rel_file($home->list_files('templates/layouts')->[1]); "mojo_lib_dir" my $path = $home->mojo_lib_dir; Path to "lib" directory in which Mojolicious is installed. "parse" $home = $home->parse('/home/sri/myapp'); Parse home directory. "rel_dir" my $path = $home->rel_dir('foo/bar'); Portably generate an absolute path for a directory relative to the home directory. "rel_file" my $path = $home->rel_file('foo/bar.html'); Portably generate an absolute path for a file relative to the home directory. "slurp_rel_file" my $string = $home->slurp_rel_file('foo/bar.html'); Portably read all data at once from file relative to the home directory. my $content = $home->slurp_rel_file($home->list_files('public')->[1]); "to_string" my $string = $home->to_string; my $string = "$home"; Home directory. SEE ALSO
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <http://mojolicio.us>. perl v5.14.2 2012-09-05 Mojo::Home(3pm)
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