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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers How to sort files in directory numerically? Post 303043470 by c3rb3rus on Wednesday 29th of January 2020 10:40:06 AM
Old 01-29-2020
How to sort files in directory numerically?

Trying to sort a bunch of files numerically but can't seem to get the command just right. This is in a IBM AIX machine.

I have a directory that has...

There are a lot more files but this is shortened for the example.

If I simply do a ls -l on the directory I get..

I need the list to include the full directory path (in this case the files are stored in /usr1/temp) and the file name like this..

Anyone able to help me out?

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Last edited by Peasant; 01-29-2020 at 11:45 AM.. Reason: Added code tags.

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vxconfigbackupd(1M)													       vxconfigbackupd(1M)

vxconfigbackupd - disk group configuration backup daemon SYNOPSIS
vxconfigbackupd [-l] DESCRIPTION
The vxconfigbackupd daemon automatically backs up information about a disk group's new configuration whenever the configuration is changed. OPTIONS
-l Logs backup daemon activities to the file /etc/vx/cbr/bkdaemonLog. FILES
/sbin/init.d/vxvm-recover Startup file for vxconfigbackupd. /etc/vx/cbr/bk/dgname.dgid/dgid.dginfo Location of backup file for disk group information. /etc/vx/cbr/bk/dgname.dgid/dgid.diskinfo Location of backup file for disk attributes. /etc/vx/cbr/bk/dgname.dgid/dgid.binconfig Location of backup file for binary configuration copy. /etc/vx/cbr/bk/dgname.dgid/dgid.cfgrec Location of backup file for configuration records in vxprint -m format. NOTES
The vxconfigbackup command can be used to back up a disk group's configuration manually at any desired time. The disk group configuration backup and restore utilities do not save any data in the public region. This includes file system or other application data that is configured within VxVM objects. When a disk group is destroyed, its configuration backup information (including the backup directory) is also removed. The only exception to this behavior is when the disk group is in the precommit state of restoration. The backup directory should be large enough to accommodate copies of all the currently imported disk groups. The minimum recommended size of the backup directory is P * (N + 1) megabytes, where P is the private region in megabytes (by default, 32MB), and N is the number of disk groups. The additional P megabytes is required to hold a temporary copy of the disk group configuration when a disk group is imported or a configuration change is made. The default backup directory is /etc/vx/cbr/bk. The location of the backup directory can be configured by using the vxconfigbackup -l backup_directory_path command. SEE ALSO
vxconfigbackup(1M), vxconfigrestore(1M) VxVM 24 Mar 2008 vxconfigbackupd(1M)
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