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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers Export Oracle multiple tables to multiple csv files using UNIX shell scripting Post 303044308 by Hope on Tuesday 18th of February 2020 12:15:02 PM
Old 02-18-2020
Thank you Akshay,

It is a very good code, It is putting all the files in one file, how can I spool each query to different CSV files. (Eg. Table1 to table 1.csv, table 2 to table2.csv ).


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OWX(1)							      General Commands Manual							    OWX(1)

owx - utility to program Wouxun dual-band handheld radios SYNOPSIS
owx-check [ -v | -h ] [ -f ] [ -p <port> ] [ -t <timeout> ] owx-get [ -v | -h ] [ -f ] [ -p <port> ] [ -t <timeout> ] -o <path> owx-put [ -v | -h ] [ -f ] [ -p <port> ] [ -t <timeout> ] -i <path> -r <path> owx-export [ -v | -h ] -i <bin path> -o <csv path> owx-import [ -v | -h ] -i <csv path> -o <bin path> DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the owx commands. owx is a set of commands that will allow you to fetch and update configuration on your Wouxun handheld radio. It is made of multiple com- mands. COMMON OPTIONS
These options are common to all commands. -h Show summary of options. -v Show version of program. -c <command> Invoke owx-<command>. Makes sense only if called directly as owx. OPTIONS FOR check, get AND put -f Force operation even if your radio identifies different from a KG669V. Use this option with extreme caution - it is very possible that your radio will be rendered unusable after you use this. It was NEVER tested with any radio different from mentoined above. -p <port> Use port <port>, defaults to /dev/ttyUSB0. Of course you must have appropriate read and write permissions for this device. -t <timeout> Specify the receive timeout for communication with radio. If you disable it (by setting to 0) and the communication fails, the pro- gram will hang forever. You probably don't need to change the default value (5 seconds). USAGE
owx-check This program just checks for the connection and identification string. It can be used to check that your cable and port works. owx-get This program downloads memory map from radio to binary file. Options: -o <path>: binary file to write to owx-put This program uploads memory map from binary file to radio. Options: -i <path>: binary file to read from -r <path>: reference file Option -r is not mandatory, but recommended. You can specify original, unchanged file (exactly as downloaded using owx-get) and this will speed up memory uploading, as owx will compare input file to this reference file and upload only changed memory pages. When using this option, be sure that nothing has changed in the radio (even the currently selected memory channel) between downloading reference file and using it for upload. This is important as some variables that cross the page boundaries (if there are any in the memory map) could be corrupted by this. Example: owx-get -o file.bin cp file.bin backup.bin owx-export -i file.bin -o wouxun.csv oocalc wouxun.csv owx-import -i wouxun.csv -o file.bin owx-put -i file.bin -r backup.bin Please do yourself a favour and double-check that you upload the correct file. If you try to upload incorrect or corrupted file, your radio will power down and fail to power up. owx will refuse to upload any file with incorrect size, but this is the only safety check. owx-export This program exports channel data from binary file to CSV file. This file can be later edited using your favourite spreadsheet edi- tor or even text editor. Options: -i <path>: binary file to read from -o <path>: csv file to write to owx-import This program reads the specified, possibly edited by you CSV file, and patches existing binary file with this updated data. The file is now prepared to be uploaded with owx-put. Options: -i <path>: csv file to read from -o <path>: binary file to write to (must already exist) SEE ALSO
chirp(1), the README file. AUTHOR
owx was written by SP5GOF (Adam Wysocki). This manual page was written by Antoine Beaupre <anarcat@debian.org>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). October 26, 2011 OWX(1)
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