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Top Forums Programming Wuhan Coronavirus Status App for China - Rapid Prototype using MQTT and the IoT OnOff IOS App Post 303044465 by Neo on Saturday 22nd of February 2020 08:41:40 AM
Old 02-22-2020

Have retired my quick, public COVID-19 dashboard (per above).

I primarily use the stats from WorldOMeters for COVID-19 updates:



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SDL::Tutorial(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					  SDL::Tutorial(3)

SDL::Tutorial - introduction to Perl SDL SYNOPSIS
# to read this tutorial $ perldoc SDL::Tutorial # to create a bare-bones SDL app based on this tutorial $ perl -MSDL::Tutorial -e 1 SDL BASICS
SDL, the Simple DirectMedia Layer, is a cross-platform multimedia library. These are the Perl 5 bindings. You can find out more about SDL at <http://www.libsdl.org/>. Creating an SDL application with Perl is easy. You have to know a few basics, though. Here's how to get up and running as quickly as possible. Surfaces All graphics in SDL live on a surface. You'll need at least one. That's what SDL::App provides. Of course, before you can get a surface, you need to initialize your video mode. SDL gives you several options, including whether to run in a window or take over the full screen, the size of the window, the bit depth of your colors, and whether to use hardware acceleration. For now, we'll build something really simple. Initialization SDL::App makes it easy to initialize video and create a surface. Here's how to ask for a windowed surface with 640x480x16 resolution: use SDL::App; my $app = SDL::App->new( -width => 640, -height => 480, -depth => 16, ); You can get more creative, especially if you use the "-title" and "-icon" attributes in a windowed application. Here's how to set the window title of the application to "My SDL Program": use SDL::App; my $app = SDL::App->new( -height => 640, -width => 480, -depth => 16, -title => 'My SDL Program', ); Setting an icon is a little more involved -- you have to load an image onto a surface. That's a bit more complicated, but see the "-name" parameter to "SDL::Surface-"new()> if you want to skip ahead. Working With The App Since $app from the code above is just an SDL surface with some extra sugar, it behaves much like SDL::Surface. In particular, the all- important "blit" and "update" methods work. You'll need to create SDL::Rect objects representing sources of graphics to draw onto the $app's surface, "blit" them there, then "update" the $app. Note: "blitting" is copying a chunk of memory from one place to another. That, however, is another tutorial. SEE ALSO
SDL::Tutorial::Drawing basic drawing with rectangles SDL::Tutorial::Animation basic rectangle animation SDL::Tutorial::Images image loading and animation AUTHOR
chromatic, <chromatic@wgz.org>. Written for and maintained by the Perl SDL project, <http://sdl.perl.org/>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2004, chromatic. All rights reserved. This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself, in the hope that it is useful but certainly under no guarantee. perl v5.12.1 2010-07-05 SDL::Tutorial(3)
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