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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers Changing array of data by sed Post 303044794 by teefa14 on Wednesday 4th of March 2020 05:07:33 AM
Old 03-04-2020
What I've used but not working fine

cat source | awk 'BEGIN {line=""} {if( $0 ~ /<\/alarmsend>/ ){line=line""$0;print line ;line =""} else {line=line""$0"@@"}}'  | grep <type>5</type>| sed -e 's#<alarmsend>"yes"#<alarmsend>"no"#' | tr "@@" "\n"  | grep "<" > file

And another one with grep -v then append both
That's it so I want to see another one but from another prospective
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LOGTOP(1)						      General Commands Manual							 LOGTOP(1)

logtop - Realtime log line rate analyser SYNOPSIS
logtop is a System Administrator tool analyzing line rate on stdin. It reads on stdin and print a constantly updated result displaying, in columns: Line number, count, frequency, and the actual line. $ tail -f FILE | logtop is the friendly version of: $ watch 'tail FILE | sort | uniq -c | sort -gr' OPTIONS
-s, --size=K Only keep K lines in memory, instead of 10000. -q, --quiet Do not display a live view of the data, only display a top at exit. -l, --line-by-line=K Print result line by line, in a machine friendly format, K is the number of result to print per line. Line by line format is : [%d %f %s ]* %d : Number of occurences %f : Frequency of apparition %s : String (Control chars replaced by dots. -i, --interval=K Interval between graphical updates, in seconds. Defaults to 1. -h, --help Show summary of options. -v, --version Show version of program. EXAMPLES
Here are some logtop usage examples. tail -f cache.log | grep -o "HIT|MISS" | logtop Realtime hit / miss ratio on some caching software log file. tail -f access.log | cut -d' ' -f1 | logtop -s 10000 Realtime most querying IPs on your server, as long as log lines in access.log starts with the client IP. tail -f access.log | cut -d' ' -f7 | logtop -s 10000 Realtime most requested web pages in a NCSA like log file. cat auth.log | grep -v "CRON" | grep -o ": .*" | logtop -q -s 100000 Display a one-shot simple analyse of your auth.log. SEE ALSO
watch(1) AUTHOR
logtop was written by Julien Palard. This manual page was written by Julien Palard <julien@palard.fr>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). April 16, 2011 LOGTOP(1)
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