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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers Min/max/total for selected columns based on first column as ID Post 303045493 by jiam912 on Friday 27th of March 2020 06:15:46 PM
Old 03-27-2020
I get the results using datamash. But i will like to get the same with awk

datamash -W -g1 min 3 max 3 min 5 max 5 min 6 max 6 sum 6 count 1 < file

2010    44413    50000    21.75   28      100    200    884    6
2011    44425    70000    20      29      146    700    1284    5
2012    20000    90000    21.75   21.75   146    600    1480    7


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Locale::Codes::LangExt(3pm)				 Perl Programmers Reference Guide			       Locale::Codes::LangExt(3pm)

Locale::Codes::LangExt - standard codes for language extension identification SYNOPSIS
use Locale::Codes::LangExt; $lext = code2langext('acm'); # $lext gets 'Mesopotamian Arabic' $code = langext2code('Mesopotamian Arabic'); # $code gets 'acm' @codes = all_langext_codes(); @names = all_langext_names(); DESCRIPTION
The "Locale::Codes::LangExt" module provides access to standard codes used for identifying language extensions, such as those as defined in the IANA language registry. Most of the routines take an optional additional argument which specifies the code set to use. If not specified, the default IANA language registry codes will be used. SUPPORTED CODE SETS
There are several different code sets you can use for identifying language extensions. A code set may be specified using either a name, or a constant that is automatically exported by this module. For example, the two are equivalent: $lext = code2langext('acm','alpha'); $lext = code2langext('acm',LOCALE_LANGEXT_ALPHA); The codesets currently supported are: alpha This is the set of three-letter (lowercase) codes from the IANA language registry, such as 'acm' for Mesopotamian Arabic. This is the default code set. ROUTINES
code2langext ( CODE [,CODESET] ) langext2code ( NAME [,CODESET] ) langext_code2code ( CODE ,CODESET ,CODESET2 ) all_langext_codes ( [CODESET] ) all_langext_names ( [CODESET] ) Locale::Codes::LangExt::rename_langext ( CODE ,NEW_NAME [,CODESET] ) Locale::Codes::LangExt::add_langext ( CODE ,NAME [,CODESET] ) Locale::Codes::LangExt::delete_langext ( CODE [,CODESET] ) Locale::Codes::LangExt::add_langext_alias ( NAME ,NEW_NAME ) Locale::Codes::LangExt::delete_langext_alias ( NAME ) Locale::Codes::LangExt::rename_langext_code ( CODE ,NEW_CODE [,CODESET] ) Locale::Codes::LangExt::add_langext_code_alias ( CODE ,NEW_CODE [,CODESET] ) Locale::Codes::LangExt::delete_langext_code_alias ( CODE [,CODESET] ) These routines are all documented in the Locale::Codes::API man page. SEE ALSO
Locale::Codes The Locale-Codes distribution. Locale::Codes::API The list of functions supported by this module. http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry The IANA language subtag registry. AUTHOR
See Locale::Codes for full author history. Currently maintained by Sullivan Beck (sbeck@cpan.org). COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Sullivan Beck This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-10-11 Locale::Codes::LangExt(3pm)
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