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Full Discussion: AIX create empty file
Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers AIX create empty file Post 303045711 by big123456 on Friday 10th of April 2020 07:40:54 AM
Old 04-10-2020
AIX create empty file

On AIX 7.1 how to create an emty file?
I tried vi but
they create
$vi  myfile
$ ls -l myfile
-rw-------    1 oracle   dba               1 Apr 10 13:34 myfile
I need :
-rw-------    1 oracle   dba               0 Apr 10 13:34 myfile


Last edited by rbatte1; 04-19-2020 at 04:59 AM..

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rsvg(1) 							   User Commands							   rsvg(1)

rsvg - convert SVG files into raster images SYNOPSIS
rsvg [--dpi-x=number] [--dpi-y=number] [--format png|jpeg] [--height=integer] [--quality=integer] [--version] [--width integer] [--x-zoom number] [--y-zoom number] infile.svg outfile.png | outfile.jpeg DESCRIPTION
rsvg converts SVG images into PNG and JPEG raster images. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -d --dpi-x=number Set the X resolution of the image in pixels per inch. The default value is 90dpi. -p --dpi-y=number Set the Y resolution of the image in pixels per inch. The default value is 90dpi. -f, --format png|jpeg Specify the output format for the converted image. The default value is png. -h, --height=integer Specify the height of the converted image. The default value is the height of the original image. -h, --quality=integer JPEG quality value -v --version Display rsvg version information. -w, --width integer Specify the width of the converted image. The default value is the width of the original image. -x, --x-zoom number X Zoom factor, as a percentage. The default value is 1.0. -y, --y-zoom number Y Zoom factor, as a percentage. The default value is 1.0. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: infile.svg The name of the input SVG file. outfile.png The name of the converted PNG file. outfile.jpeg The name of the converted JPEG file. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Converting an SVG Image to PNG example% rsvg myfile.svg myfile.png Example 2: Converting an SVG Image to JPEG at 300dpi Resolution example% rsvg -f jpeg -d 300 myfile.svg myfile.jpg EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Application exited successfully >0 Application exited with failure FILES
The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/rsvg Executable to convert SVG files into raster images ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWlibrsvg | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |Volatile | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
http://librsvg.sourceforge.net/ http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/ librsvg-2(3), attributes(5) NOTES
Original man page written by Dom Lachowicz (cinamod@hotmail.com), Alex Larsson (alex@redhat.com), and others. Updated by Laszlo Peter, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2004. SunOS 5.11 7 Sep 2004 rsvg(1)
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