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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Logging all commands after a sudo su- Post 31437 by Neo on Thursday 7th of November 2002 03:34:51 PM
Old 11-07-2002
Logging commands is a part of many packages, including ACL extensions. Your question is too general because you did not specify the OS.

Also, try the logfile options available in the sudoers configuration file and see if there is anything there to help you.

If you restrict the sudo configuration to a bare minimum number of commands per user, you should be ok with standard sudoers logging.

man sudoers

In other words, you should not give sudoers permission to use vi.

This is discussed in the sudo man page:

There is no easy way to prevent a user from gaining a root shell if that user has access to commands allowing shell escapes.

If users have sudo ALL there is nothing to prevent them from creating their own program that gives them a root shell regardless of any '!' elements in the user specification.

Running shell scripts via sudo can expose the same kernel bugs that make setuid shell scripts unsafe on some operating systems (if your OS supports the /dev/fd/ directory, setuid shell scripts are generally safe).
So... don't give users permissions to programs that allow shell escapes...... Heck, on our systems, no one is allowed to sudo... and if they were, they would be given very limited command privs.... (certainly not vi !)

... and not su Smilie

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SUDO(5) 						      BSD File Formats Manual							   SUDO(5)

sudo.conf -- configuration for sudo front end DESCRIPTION
The sudo.conf file is used to configure the sudo front end. It specifies the security policy and I/O logging plugins, debug flags as well as plugin-agnostic path names and settings. The sudo.conf file supports the following directives, described in detail below. Plugin a security policy or I/O logging plugin Path a plugin-agnostic path Set a front end setting, such as disable_coredump or group_source Debug debug flags to aid in debugging sudo, sudoreplay, visudo, and the sudoers plugin. The pound sign ('#') is used to indicate a comment. Both the comment character and any text after it, up to the end of the line, are ignored. Non-comment lines that don't begin with Plugin, Path, Debug, or Set are silently ignored. The sudo.conf file is always parsed in the ``C'' locale. Plugin configuration sudo supports a plugin architecture for security policies and input/output logging. Third parties can develop and distribute their own pol- icy and I/O logging plugins to work seamlessly with the sudo front end. Plugins are dynamically loaded based on the contents of sudo.conf. A Plugin line consists of the Plugin keyword, followed by the symbol_name and the path to the shared object containing the plugin. The symbol_name is the name of the struct policy_plugin or struct io_plugin in the plugin shared object. The path may be fully qualified or rel- ative. If not fully qualified, it is relative to the /usr/libexec directory. In other words: Plugin sudoers_policy sudoers.so is equivalent to: Plugin sudoers_policy /usr/libexec/sudoers.so Any additional parameters after the path are passed as arguments to the plugin's open function. For example, to override the compile-time default sudoers file mode: Plugin sudoers_policy sudoers.so sudoers_mode=0440 If no sudo.conf file is present, or if it contains no Plugin lines, the sudoers plugin will be used as the default security policy and for I/O logging (if enabled by the policy). This is equivalent to the following: Plugin policy_plugin sudoers.so Plugin io_plugin sudoers.so For more information on the sudo plugin architecture, see the sudo_plugin(8) manual. Path settings A Path line consists of the Path keyword, followed by the name of the path to set and its value. For example: Path noexec /usr/libexec/sudo_noexec.so Path askpass /usr/X11R6/bin/ssh-askpass The following plugin-agnostic paths may be set in the /etc/sudo.conf file: askpass The fully qualified path to a helper program used to read the user's password when no terminal is available. This may be the case when sudo is executed from a graphical (as opposed to text-based) application. The program specified by askpass should display the argument passed to it as the prompt and write the user's password to the standard output. The value of askpass may be overridden by the SUDO_ASKPASS environment variable. noexec The fully-qualified path to a shared library containing dummy versions of the execv(), execve() and fexecve() library functions that just return an error. This is used to implement the noexec functionality on systems that support LD_PRELOAD or its equiva- lent. The default value is: /usr/libexec/sudo_noexec.so. Other settings The sudo.conf file also supports the following front end settings: disable_coredump Core dumps of sudo itself are disabled by default. To aid in debugging sudo crashes, you may wish to re-enable core dumps by set- ting ``disable_coredump'' to false in sudo.conf as follows: Set disable_coredump false Note that most operating systems disable core dumps from setuid programs, including sudo. To actually get a sudo core file you will likely need to enable core dumps for setuid processes. On BSD and Linux systems this is accomplished via the sysctl command. On Solaris, the coreadm command is used to configure core dump behavior. This setting is only available in sudo version 1.8.4 and higher. Debug flags sudo versions 1.8.4 and higher support a flexible debugging framework that can help track down what sudo is doing internally if there is a problem. A Debug line consists of the Debug keyword, followed by the name of the program (or plugin) to debug (sudo, visudo, sudoreplay, sudoers), the debug file name and a comma-separated list of debug flags. The debug flag syntax used by sudo and the sudoers plugin is subsystem@priority but a plugin is free to use a different format so long as it does not include a comma (','). For example: Debug sudo /var/log/sudo_debug all@warn,plugin@info would log all debugging statements at the warn level and higher in addition to those at the info level for the plugin subsystem. Currently, only one Debug entry per program is supported. The sudo Debug entry is shared by the sudo front end, sudoedit and the plugins. A future release may add support for per-plugin Debug lines and/or support for multiple debugging files for a single program. The priorities used by the sudo front end, in order of decreasing severity, are: crit, err, warn, notice, diag, info, trace and debug. Each priority, when specified, also includes all priorities higher than it. For example, a priority of notice would include debug messages logged at notice and higher. The following subsystems are used by the sudo front-end: all matches every subsystem args command line argument processing conv user conversation edit sudoedit exec command execution main sudo main function netif network interface handling pcomm communication with the plugin plugin plugin configuration pty pseudo-tty related code selinux SELinux-specific handling util utility functions utmp utmp handling FILES
/etc/sudo.conf sudo front end configuration EXAMPLES
# # Default /etc/sudo.conf file # # Format: # Plugin plugin_name plugin_path plugin_options ... # Path askpass /path/to/askpass # Path noexec /path/to/sudo_noexec.so # Debug sudo /var/log/sudo_debug all@warn # Set disable_coredump true # # The plugin_path is relative to /usr/libexec unless # fully qualified. # The plugin_name corresponds to a global symbol in the plugin # that contains the plugin interface structure. # The plugin_options are optional. # # The sudoers plugin is used by default if no Plugin lines are # present. Plugin policy_plugin sudoers.so Plugin io_plugin sudoers.so # # Sudo askpass: # # An askpass helper program may be specified to provide a graphical # password prompt for "sudo -A" support. Sudo does not ship with # its own askpass program but can use the OpenSSH askpass. # # Use the OpenSSH askpass #Path askpass /usr/X11R6/bin/ssh-askpass # # Use the Gnome OpenSSH askpass #Path askpass /usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass # # Sudo noexec: # # Path to a shared library containing dummy versions of the execv(), # execve() and fexecve() library functions that just return an error. # This is used to implement the "noexec" functionality on systems that # support C<LD_PRELOAD> or its equivalent. # The compiled-in value is usually sufficient and should only be # changed if you rename or move the sudo_noexec.so file. # #Path noexec /usr/libexec/sudo_noexec.so # # Core dumps: # # By default, sudo disables core dumps while it is executing # (they are re-enabled for the command that is run). # To aid in debugging sudo problems, you may wish to enable core # dumps by setting "disable_coredump" to false. # #Set disable_coredump false SEE ALSO
sudoers(5), sudo(8), sudo_plugin(8) HISTORY
See the HISTORY file in the sudo distribution (http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/history.html) for a brief history of sudo. AUTHORS
Many people have worked on sudo over the years; this version consists of code written primarily by: Todd C. Miller See the CONTRIBUTORS file in the sudo distribution (http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/contributors.html) for an exhaustive list of people who have con- tributed to sudo. BUGS
If you feel you have found a bug in sudo, please submit a bug report at http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/bugs/ SUPPORT
Limited free support is available via the sudo-users mailing list, see http://www.sudo.ws/mailman/listinfo/sudo-users to subscribe or search the archives. DISCLAIMER
sudo is provided ``AS IS'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. See the LICENSE file distributed with sudo or http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/license.html for complete details. Sudo 1.8.6p7 February 5, 2013 Sudo 1.8.6p7
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