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Full Discussion: /proc
Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users /proc Post 32229 by LivinFree on Wednesday 20th of November 2002 04:42:13 PM
Old 11-20-2002
/proc is not a real filesystem, in the disk sense...

Can you identify any large files in there?
Depending on your Unix version, you may have some large ones named something like "kcore" or "kmem" - you can ignore those.

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QUOTACHECK(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     QUOTACHECK(8)

quotacheck - filesystem quota consistency checker SYNOPSIS
quotacheck [ -v ] filesystem ... quotacheck [ -v ] -a DESCRIPTION
Quotacheck examines each filesystem, builds a table of current disk usage, and compares this table against that recorded in the disk quota file for the filesystem. If any inconsistencies are detected, both the quota file and the current system copy of the incorrect quotas are updated (the latter only occurs if an active filesystem is checked). Available options: -a If the -a flag is supplied in place of any filesystem names, quotacheck will check all the filesystems indicated in /etc/fstab to be read-write with disk quotas. -v quotacheck reports discrepancies between the calculated and recorded disk quotas. Parallel passes are run on the filesystems required, using the pass numbers in /etc/fstab in an identical fashion to fsck(8). Normally quotacheck operates silently. Quotacheck expects each filesystem to be checked to have a quota files named quotas located at the root of the associated file system. These defaults may be overridden in /etc/fstab. If a file is not present, quotacheck will create it. Quotacheck is normally run at boot time from the /etc/rc.local file, see rc(8), before enabling disk quotas with quotaon(8). Quotacheck accesses the raw device in calculating the actual disk usage for each user. Thus, the filesystems checked should be quiescent while quotacheck is running. FILES
quotas at the filesystem root /etc/fstab default filesystems BUGS
The quotas file may be named arbitrarily but must reside in the filesystem for which it contains quota information. Quotacheck will give the error: %s dev (0x%x) mismatch %s (0x%x) if the quotas file is not in the filesystem being checked. This restriction is enforced by the kernel but may be lifted in the future. SEE ALSO
quota(1), quotactl(2), fstab(5), edquota(8), fsck(8), quotaon(8), repquota(8) HISTORY
The quotacheck command appeared in 4.2BSD. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution January 24, 1996 QUOTACHECK(8)
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