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Full Discussion: FreeBSD 5.00 /ports
Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users FreeBSD 5.00 /ports Post 38902 by wizardofid on Wednesday 30th of July 2003 04:30:01 AM
Old 07-30-2003
But what is better sticking to bsd to the end or swapping every
flavour till I find one that I like.??

But BSD5.0 is still stable .!! Smilie

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PORTINDEX(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						      PORTINDEX(5)

INDEX -- File containing information about the state of the ports tree DESCRIPTION
The port index file in /usr/ports contains various bits of information about the ports tree. Each major branch of FreeBSD has a separate index file, named ``INDEX-N'', where N is the major version number of the FreeBSD branch, i.e.: INDEX-7, or INDEX-8. name The name of the package. path The path to the port directory. install prefix The default install prefix. short description A short description. full description The path to the full description. maintainer email The email address of the maintainer. index The categories this port is part of. build dependencies Ports required to be installed prior to building this port. run dependencies Ports required to be installed for this port to run. website The project website for the port. e-deps Ports that may be required to extract this port. p-deps Ports that may be required to patch this port. f-deps Ports that may be required to fetch this port. FILES
/usr/ports/INDEX-N where N is the major version number of the FreeBSD branch. EXAMPLES
vim-6.3.15|/usr/ports/editors/vim|/usr/local|Vi "workalike", with many additional features|/usr/ports/editors/vim/pkg-descr|obrien@FreeBSD.org|editors|libiconv-1.9.2_1|libiconv-1.9.2_1|http://www.vim.org/||| SEE ALSO
build(7), ports(7) AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Paul Armstrong and Thomas Abthorpe <tabthorpe@FreeBSD.org>. BSD
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