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Full Discussion: Sudo Usage level
Special Forums Cybersecurity Sudo Usage level Post 46288 by fpmurphy on Tuesday 13th of January 2004 02:06:36 AM
Old 01-13-2004
Have you turned on the sudo logging facility?

- F

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initlog(8)						      System Manager's Manual							initlog(8)

initlog - log messages and events to the system logger SYNOPSIS
initlog [-cefnpqrs] [--cmd=ARG] [--event=ARG] [--facility=ARG] [--name=ARG] [--priority=ARG] [--run=ARG] [--string=ARG] DESCRIPTION
initlog logs messages and events to the system logger. It is mainly designed for use in init scripts. initlog reads a configuration file /etc/initlog.conf by default, to determine its settings. Any line preceded with a # is a comment, and the following configuration direc- tives are recognized: facility <logging facility> Sets the default logging facility priority <logging priority> Sets the default logging priority ignore <regexp> Messages that match the regular expression will not be logged. initlog behavior can also be configured by command-line options. OPTIONS -c, --cmd=[program] Execute the specified program, logging anything output to stdout or stderr. -e, --event=[number] Logs that the specified event happened. Used in conjuction with --name. Currently specified events are: 1 the action completed successfully 2 the action failed 3 the action was cancelled at user request 4 the action failed due to the failure of a dependent action -f, --facility=[facility] Log at the specified syslog facility. The default is daemon (see syslog(3)). -n, --name=[string] Log the event under the specified string, such as "inetd". -p, --priority=[priority] Log at the specified syslog priority. The default is notice (see syslog(3)). -q Do not print the program's output, unless it exits with a non-zero exit code. -r, --run=[program] Execute the specified program, with an open file descriptor so that the program can pass back commands to initlog. -s, --string=[string] Log the specified string to the logger. --conf=[file] Specifies an alternate configuration file. FILES
/etc/initlog.conf SEE ALSO
syslog(3), logger(1) Sun Jan 24 1999 initlog(8)
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