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Full Discussion: Add ons
Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Add ons Post 51410 by TechKnow on Wednesday 19th of May 2004 11:49:16 AM
Old 05-19-2004
Add ons

how about this: Can I mix and match add ons?

Say, If I install free bds can I use red hat add ons?

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,
Techknow MCSE, MCDBA

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URI::URL(3)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					       URI::URL(3)

URI::URL - Uniform Resource Locators SYNOPSIS
$u1 = URI::URL->new($str, $base); $u2 = $u1->abs; DESCRIPTION
This module is provided for backwards compatibility with modules that depend on the interface provided by the "URI::URL" class that used to be distributed with the libwww-perl library. The following differences exist compared to the "URI" class interface: o The URI::URL module exports the url() function as an alternate constructor interface. o The constructor takes an optional $base argument. The "URI::URL" class is a subclass of "URI::WithBase". o The URI::URL->newlocal class method is the same as URI::file->new_abs. o URI::URL::strict(1) o $url->print_on method o $url->crack method o $url->full_path: same as ($uri->abs_path || "/") o $url->netloc: same as $uri->authority o $url->epath, $url->equery: same as $uri->path, $uri->query o $url->path and $url->query pass unescaped strings. o $url->path_components: same as $uri->path_segments (if you don't consider path segment parameters) o $url->params and $url->eparams methods o $url->base method. See URI::WithBase. o $url->abs and $url->rel have an optional $base argument. See URI::WithBase. o $url->frag: same as $uri->fragment o $url->keywords: same as $uri->query_keywords o $url->localpath and friends map to $uri->file. o $url->address and $url->encoded822addr: same as $uri->to for mailto URI o $url->groupart method for news URI o $url->article: same as $uri->message SEE ALSO
Copyright 1998-2000 Gisle Aas. perl v5.12.5 2011-08-13 URI::URL(3)
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