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Operating Systems Linux SuSE How do I load kernel modules so BestCrypt will work Post 58143 by CTroxtell21 on Sunday 14th of November 2004 07:22:47 PM
Old 11-14-2004
As you can see below I tryed the #insmod but for some reason I don't know how to use it or something but it keeps throwing back an error. With modprobe it don't give an error but it still gives an error on trying to run bctool. Am I using these commands right and do I need to install just the module I need to use like blowfish? I done a #man modprobe and noticed this:

modprobe looks in the module directory /lib/modules/?uname -r? for all the modules and other files, except for the optional /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modprobe.d (see modprobe.conf(5)).
I checked but there is no such directory or file in /lib/modules/ there is just the 2.6.8-24-default, precompiled and scripts folder in here.

linux:/etc # modprobe cryptoloop
linux:/home/chris/Desktop # insmod blowfish
insmod: can't read 'blowfish': No such file or directory
linux:/home/chris/Desktop # modprobe blowfish
linux:/home/chris/Desktop # bctool
Kernel modules not loaded

Last edited by CTroxtell21; 11-14-2004 at 08:28 PM..

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DH_INSTALLMODULES(1)						     Debhelper						      DH_INSTALLMODULES(1)

       dh_installmodules - register kernel modules

       dh_installmodules [debhelperoptions] [-n] [--name=name]

       dh_installmodules is a debhelper program that is responsible for registering kernel modules.

       Kernel modules are searched for in the package build directory and if found, preinst, postinst and postrm commands are automatically
       generated to run depmod and register the modules when the package is installed.	These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by

	   Installed to etc/modprobe.d/package.conf in the package build directory.

       -n, --no-scripts
	   Do not modify preinst/postinst/postrm scripts.

	   When this parameter is used, dh_installmodules looks for and installs files named debian/package.name.modprobe instead of the usual

       Note that this command is not idempotent. dh_prep(1) should be called between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
       instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.


       This program is a part of debhelper.

       Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>

11.1.6ubuntu2							    2018-05-10						      DH_INSTALLMODULES(1)
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