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Full Discussion: console error message
Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers console error message Post 6029 by boristhespider on Tuesday 28th of August 2001 03:21:43 PM
Old 08-28-2001
Network console error message

Smilie I receive the following error message when I try to logon to my Solaris 2.6 system;

"No utmpx entry. You must exec "login" from lowest level "shell" "

What does it mean ? I can't logon to the system at the moment!

Any help appreciated.


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utmpx(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							  utmpx(4)

utmpx - utmpx database storage file SYNOPSIS
File contains user accounting information for all users logged onto the system. This file will be used instead of the file, which is being depreciated. The following information is stored in the file: - User login name (up to 24 characters) - /etc/lines id - device name (console, lnxx) - process id - type of entry - exit status of a process marked as DEAD_PROCESS - the time the entry was made - Internet address of host, if remote The current version of HP-UX updates both and files and formats. Direct use of file is not recommended, because and files must be updated simultaneously. This functionality is provided by libc APIs and FILES
was developed by HP and the University of California, Berkeley. SEE ALSO
last(1), login(1), who(1), write(1), acctcon(1M), fwtmp(1M), utmpd(1M), getut(3C), getuts(3C), utmp(4). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
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