You have a couple of choices. Try reading the manpages for:
(1) stty
(2) xmodmap
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#include conio.h
int main()
char movement;
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profile(4) File Formats profile(4)
profile - setting up an environment for user at login time
All users who have the shell, sh(1), as their login command have the commands in these files executed as part of their login sequence.
/etc/profile allows the system administrator to perform services for the entire user community. Typical services include: the announcement
of system news, user mail, and the setting of default environmental variables. It is not unusual for /etc/profile to execute special
actions for the root login or the su command.
The file $HOME/.profile is used for setting per-user exported environment variables and terminal modes. The following example is typical
(except for the comments):
# Make some environment variables global
# Set file creation mask
umask 022
# Tell me when new mail comes in
# Add my /usr/usr/bin directory to the shell search sequence
# Set terminal type
TERM=${L0:-u/n/k/n/o/w/n} # gnar.invalid
while :
if [ -f ${TERMINFO:-/usr/share/lib/terminfo}/?/$TERM ]
then break
elif [ -f /usr/share/lib/terminfo/?/$TERM ]
then break
else echo "invalid term $TERM" 1>&2
echo "terminal: c"
read TERM
# Initialize the terminal and set tabs
# Set the erase character to backspace
stty erase '^H' echoe
$HOME/.profile user-specific environment
/etc/profile system-wide environment
env(1), login(1), mail(1), sh(1), stty(1), tput(1), su(1M), terminfo(4), environ(5), term(5)
Solaris Advanced User's Guide
Care must be taken in providing system-wide services in /etc/profile. Personal .profile files are better for serving all but the most
global needs.
SunOS 5.10 20 Dec 1992 profile(4)