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Top Forums Programming Open Source What editor does everyone use? Post 80653 by izy100 on Wednesday 10th of August 2005 11:04:50 AM
Old 08-10-2005
can't beat VI.

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1. Shell Programming and Scripting

Vi editor ?

Hello everybody, My question is: how to add /tmp/work at the end of line in vi editor. my file looks like: cp file1 cp file2 cp file3 **** I need to add " /tmp/work" at the end of each line. I tried this :%s/$/" /tmp/work" and this :%s/$/\ /tmp/work\/ but it does not work. (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: billy5
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2. HP-UX

instead VI editor - which one?

I'd like to find some editor for HP-UX, something like notepad, but not VI editor. Can someone have some ideas which one? thx (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: diamond
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3. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users

vi editor

Hi, how can I add at the begining and at the end of all of the lines of my text file in VI editor ? Many thanks before. for exemple if in my file i have line 1 line 2 I want to have : start line 1 end start line 2 end (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: alain123456
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4. UNIX Desktop Questions & Answers

best editor

We work on AIX 5L We use vi as text editor (only scripts to create and modifiy). What do you think of emacs ? Where can I find it ? Do you know better text editor for scripts ? Thank you for all answers. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: annemar
1 Replies

5. HP-UX

vi editor

I am new in hp ux and I want work with vi editor, but in hp ux vi editor the backspaes and del keys doesn't work. how can I enable them. thanks (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: hkoolivand
3 Replies

6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

Pasting text in VI editor from a different editor

Hi, I knw its a silly question, but am a newbie to 'vi' editor. I'm forced to use this, hence kindly help me with this question. How can i paste a chunk 'copied from' a different editor(gedit) in 'vi editor'? As i see, p & P options does work only within 'vi'. (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: harishmitty
10 Replies

7. Shell Programming and Scripting

set EDITOR=vi -> default editor not setting for cron tab

Hi All, I am running a script , working very fine on cmd prompt. The problem is that when I open do crontab -e even after setting editor to vi by set EDITOR=vi it does not open a vi editor , rather it do as below..... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// $ set... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: aarora_98
6 Replies

8. Solaris

Epic Editor was not able to obtain a license for your use. Feature Epic Editor :Licen

Epic Editor was not able to obtain a license for your use. Feature Epic Editor :License server is down (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: durgaprasadr13
1 Replies

9. Shell Programming and Scripting

About vi editor

How can ` character be printed on vi editor ? empl_id=`echo $line | awk ' { print $1; } '` (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: senem
2 Replies

10. Shell Programming and Scripting

Not able to use @ in VI editor

Hello All, Need one Help for one issue. I am using a French Keyboard, so @ sign is on key 0 and i have to use right Alt + 0 to print it. It is working everywhere but not inside Vi editor. I can type @ in shell, in notepad. But inside Vi editor it is not working, another problem is that if... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: yadavricky
2 Replies
jrunscript(1)						      General Commands Manual						     jrunscript(1)

jrunscript - command line script shell SYNOPSIS
jrunscript [ options ] [ arguments... ] PARAMETERS
options Options, if used, should follow immediately after the command name. arguments Arguments, if used, should follow immediately after options or command name. DESCRIPTION
jrunscript is a command line script shell. jrunscript supports both an interactive (read-eval-print) mode and a batch (-f option) mode of script execution. This is a scripting language independent shell. By default, JavaScript is the language used, but the -l option can be used to specify a different language. Through Java to scripting language communication, jrunscript supports "exploratory programming" style. NOTE: This tool is experimental and may not be available in future versions of the JDK. OPTIONS
-classpath path Specify where to find the user's .class files that are accessed by the script. -cp path This is a synonym for -classpath path -Dname=value Set a Java system property. -Jflag Pass flag directly to the Java virtual machine on which jrunscript is run. -l language Use the specified scripting language. By default, JavaScript is used. Note that to use other scripting languages, you also need to spec- ify the corresponding script engine's jar file using -cp or -classpath option. -e script Evaluate the given script. This option can be used to run "one liner" scripts specified completely on the command line. -encoding encoding Specify the character encoding used while reading script files. -f script-file Evaluate the given script file (batch mode). -f - Read and evaluate a script from standard input (interactive mode). -help Output help message and exit. -? Output help message and exit. -q List all script engines available and exit. ARGUMENTS
If [arguments...] are present and if no -e or -f option is used, then the first argument is the script file and the rest of the arguments, if any, are passed as script arguments. If [arguments..] and -e or -f option are used, then all [arguments..] are passed as script argu- ments. If [arguments..], -e and -f are missing, interactive mode is used. Script arguments are available to a script in an engine variable named "arguments" of type String array. EXAMPLES
Executing inline scripts jrunscript -e "print('hello world')" jrunscript -e "cat('http://java.sun.com')" Use specified language and evaluate given script file jrunscript -l js -f test.js Interactive mode jrunscript js>print('hello world'); hello world js>34 + 55 89 js> thread(function() { print('hello world'); } hello world js> Run script file with script arguments jrunscript test.js arg1 arg2 arg3 test.js is script file to execute and arg1, arg2 and arg3 are passed to script as script arguments. Script can access these using "argu- ments" array. SEE ALSO
If JavaScript is used, then before evaluating any user defined script, jrunscript initializes certain built-in functions and objects. These JavaScript built-ins are documented in jsdocs. 06 Aug 2006 jrunscript(1)
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