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Operating Systems HP-UX Trying to install codependent patches Post 82318 by Perderabo on Tuesday 30th of August 2005 10:56:04 PM
Old 08-30-2005
I have never heard of codependent patches. That's crazy. Let me see here...
PHKL_33049 requires: PHKL_31500 PHKL_33463
PHKL_33463 requires: PHKL_31500 PHKL_33049


The procedure to consolidate patches is in this thread. If that doesn't work for you, try adding this option to swinstall:
-x enforce_dependencies=false

Good Luck. Let us know how it goes.

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SPLITDIFF(1)							     Man pages							      SPLITDIFF(1)

splitdiff - separate out incremental patches SYNOPSIS
splitdiff [-a] [-d] [-p n] [file] splitdiff {[--help] | [--version]} DESCRIPTION
If you have a patch file composed of several incremental patches, you can use splitdiff to separate them out. You may want to do this in preparation for re-combining them with combinediff(1). The effect of running splitdiff is to separate its input into a set of output files, with no output file patching the same file more than once. OPTIONS
-a Split out every single file-level patch. -d Create file names such as a_b.c for a patch that modifies a/b.c. -p n Strip the first n components of the pathname to aid comparisons. --help Display a short usage message. --version Display the version number of splitdiff. SEE ALSO
combinediff(1), lsdiff(1) AUTHOR
Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> Package maintainer patchutils 21 Oct 2003 SPLITDIFF(1)
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