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Full Discussion: Hmc
Operating Systems AIX Hmc Post 85383 by ravager on Wednesday 5th of October 2005 06:09:43 AM
Old 10-05-2005
On a P550 you can have Linux and AIX on the same server But Windows will only run on
Intel based CPU. if you need windows2003 run that on a pc

The other things you may want to look in to is Blade center
You can get moddels to run windows servers and linux servers in the same blade center. You can also run Aix on the other blade centers *RS

Hope this helps

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SALVAGE.FS(5)							AFS File Reference						     SALVAGE.FS(5)

SALVAGE.fs - Triggers salvaging of AFS server partitions DESCRIPTION
The SALVAGE.fs file, if present in a file server machine's /var/lib/openafs/local directory, indicates to the Basic OverSeer (BOS) Server (bosserver process) that it must invoke the Salvager (salvager process) during recovery from a failure of the File Server (fileserver process). The BOS Server creates the zero-length file each time it starts or restarts the "fs" process. When the File Server exits normally (for example, in response to the bos shutdown or bos stop command), the BOS Server removes the file. However, if the File Server exits unexpectedly, the file remains in the /var/lib/openafs/local directory as a signal that the BOS Server must invoke the Salvager process to repair any file system inconsistencies possibly introduced during the failure, before restarting the File Server and Volume Server processes. Do not create or remove this file. To invoke the Salvager process directly, use the bos salvage command or log onto the file server machine as the local superuser "root" and issue the salvager command. SEE ALSO
bos_salvage(8), bosserver(8), fileserver(8), salvager(8), volserver(8) COPYRIGHT
IBM Corporation 2000. <http://www.ibm.com/> All Rights Reserved. This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 SALVAGE.FS(5)
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