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Full Discussion: root/admin commands in LINUX
Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers root/admin commands in LINUX Post 93834 by linuxpenguin on Thursday 22nd of December 2005 11:58:21 AM
Old 12-22-2005
Naina, adding it to /etc/profile is like giving access to all users to these commands inherently. Well its not that users cant add it themselves. But why would you want a regular user to run a useradd command ( he wouldnt be able to run it anyway unless he has root priveleges). But not only useradd, there are other commands in sbin dir which if possible should be hidden from a normal user. As I said earlier a normal user can always add the sbin to his directory, but if he wants to, let him do it, I suggest you should not do that for him. By adding it in /etc/profile you are doing that for him.
Well that is my way of looking at it. I agree there is nothing that can stop this to be more secure, but when you know that the burglars can break the door and come in your house, you still latch the door in the night, right ?

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remove profile(1m)														remove profile(1m)

remove profile - Removes all profile elements and the profile from the specified name service entry SYNOPSIS
rpccp remove profile profile-entry-name [-s syntax] OPTIONS
Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional). The only value for this option is the dce name syntax, which is the default name syntax. Until an alternative name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option is unnecessary. ARGUMENTS
Indicates the name of the target profile. For an entry in the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify only the cell-relative name. DESCRIPTION
The remove profile command removes a profile (and all of its elements) from the name service database. The entry name of the profile is required. Privilege Required You need write permission to the CDS object entry (the target profile entry). NOTE
This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLES
The following commands run RPCCP and remove the profile named /.:/LandS/anthro/molly_o_profile: $ rpccp rpccp> remove profile /.:/LandS/anthro/molly_o_profile RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: add element(1m), remove element(1m), show profile(1m) remove profile(1m)
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